6 testimonies, Father be glorified! (4.23.10)

10:58 PM Posted by Unknown

My mom Nancy Hale was up all night with excruciating stomach pain. She and her husband Bob went to the ER instead of going to work Friday morning. The MRI showed a golf ball sized clump at the top of her stomach. They said it might be a clump of undigested food sort of like a hairball in a cat. It also might be a tumor or something dangerous. Whatever it was it had to come out. They sent a text message and notified the family at around lunch. My brother and his boss prayed and put her on their church's urgent prayer request list. My sister Tammy prayed at school. I prayed here at home and commanded that thing to break up and dissipate in Jesus name. They prepped her for surgery and went in through her throat with a scope ready to identify and remove the clump. When they got to the spot where the MRI showed a golf ball sized mystery clump, it was totally gone. It had broken up and dissipated. The Dr. said that maybe, somehow all the pre-op fluids they gave her had broken the thing up. I know it was the Great Physician still in the healing business. Like the blind man in the bible said "whether or not this man is a sinner I do not know. But what I do know is, I once was blind but now I see." The Dr. may not know exactly what happened but the fact is that 2 hours earlier their was a golf ball sized clump and when they went in there was no trace of it! They took out the scope and sent her home pain free and healed without knowing exactly what happened. This is hot of the press on Friday 4-23-10. Praise His Holy Name!
In Him,
Kenny Winsman_______________________________________________________________________________________

Below is a prayer request from my friend Jan, our correspondence, and the resulting healing so far...  An amazing testimony to the mighty name of Jesus, the goodness of the Father, and the power of prayer and the spoken will of God over a person/situation.  Jehovah be praised and glorified!!
1) Amanda, I have been ministering over the past few weeks to a woman who is in isolation in the ICU at MD Anderson with Stage 3ovarian cancer and many complications. I have anointed her with oil, served her the Lord's Supper, and asked her to confess any sins or unforgiveness in her heart before God, which she has done. However, her organs as of last night were shutting down: kidney function only 10%, heart attack from the stress on the body, lungs and heart surrounded with fluid, edema in her limbs. The cancer was surgically removed, but what I am getting from her is a tremendous spirit of unworthiness. I do not think she feels that she deserves to be healed, despite knowing she is redeemed by the body and blood of Jesus. I need you to pray for her if you will, joining in agreement that the gates of hell may not prevail against Laura. that she is a joint heir with Christ and He has all authority over her and in her body, mind and spirit, and that nothing she has done can ever separate her from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. Lord, we plead with you to pour out yourHoly Spirit on Laura and reverse the curse of cancer that has attacked her body. We ask that you would also show her that nothing can make her worthy of your love; it is by grace alone that you have freely given it and no one can merit it because it is only by the death and Resurrection of Jesus. Breathe on her, breath of God; fill her with life anew!  Restore the years the locusts have eaten and bring beauty from ashes and gladness for mourning!  We know that you alone are her Hope, Lord, and we ask you to glorify yourself as you speak healing into Laura right now. It is in the all-powerful name of Jesus that we pray, AMEN.
(I let her know that I'd agreed with her prayer and that our life group that night would pray...That was Friday, and I received this a couple days later...)
2) Amanda, dear one - I wanted to let you know that Laura has had two better days and please keep on praying for the Lord to restore her. She has been hospitalized for nearly three months and it's time for her to get back to the land of the living! AMEN!
3)  (to Jan...) Wonderful!  Wow, our life group Friday Night ended up being a night of intercessory prayer, as I had 2 other requests come in just as yours did.  I wish you could have heard the prayers on Laura's behalf; we read yours aloud, agreeing, and it just continued as if she were our blood sister rather than a stranger...so much love and power.  And two better days!  I'm so happy for her and definitely will keep on praying and expecting that all decay has stopped and reversed and that all change now will be only toward full restoration in Jesus mighty name!  Man, His name IS mighty!!!
Dear Amanda,
     I wanted to share with you how the Lord is hearing and answering our prayers for Laura. It was interesting that in her husband's description of the changes in her from Friday night to Saturday morning, he said, "It was like someone flipped a switch."  Well, Someone did!  The One through whom all healing comes and all blessings flow! I went to visit Laura again this afternoon at MD Anderson and was thrilled that she looks so much stronger and is fully lucid again. I had gone with one of the pastors from our church, and together we prayed and sang hymns and just loved on Laura. The Holy Spirit had impressed on my that the key word was "love"...that this was what we were to do. I shared that with our pastor, and he naturally agreed. As the visit came to a close (we were there about 45 minutes), she said something was coming to mind but she couldn't quite articulate it. I said, "Laura, can you think of one word?"  And she said, "Yes...LOVE." It is also noteworthy that one of my Rice students, a very anointed young prophet, told me today before I went to MD Anderson that I was anointed with "prophetic love."  Hallelujah to the King of kings!  Glory to the Lamb!
     The Holy Spirit revealed to me (and it was confirmed by the pastor) some information about this family that needs healing. Please pray as the Spirit leads so that Laura can come into the fullness of the healing the Lord wants her to have in Jesus' name.
      The encouragement I have felt from reading your regular healing updates has been enormous. These testimonies have spurred me on to be bolder in my prayers and have definitely grown my faith. We prayed on Sunday for a dear intercessor friend who has had serious eye pain and she says that she could feel the healing happening. The Lord had also revealed many wounds and abuses from her childhood that we prayed for, and I sensed Him telling me that He wanted to shine His light on her past and open the spiritual eyes of her family to face and forgive the past. Our Lord is so faithful to meet us where we are and to teach us through one another by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the body of Christ!  Thank you for allowing Him to so fully use you in this way.
My love in Jesus,

This one you've heard about, but here's Johnny's co-worker's personal testimony:
I just wanted to share something that has happened to my wife and I just this past couple of weeks. First I want to start by mentioning that i am a big believer in Prayer and that all things can be done in Prayer. We decided to spruce up our front yard now that we owned the house but after we did this our neighbors to the left of our house who bought their house 3 yrs back decided they would do the same so we have a nice street. I noticed on the second day that he had instructed the yard contractors to clean up and grass all the way into my side of the yard which came close to my drive way. Well when I told him that he crossed into my yard he went got a little nasty and started pointing out that his water sprinkler head is the boundry. Since the survey marking were gone and the iron rods that marked the line in the front was missing I told him that I will get a survey done to clear up the confusion. Let me also point out that he is a Lawyer and after the survey he did not believe that it was true due to the fact that yes his yard was no were close to where he stated plus he redid his fence last yr before we bought our house and encroached close to two foot into my yard.   I didn’t think too much about it at that time but he was trying to get me to say things like we agreed this and that about the boundry without knowing that he was taping me on the video camera but by the grace of God I just happened to glance down to show him the boundery line I noticed the camera light on. I could not think straight as I was very upset that he just pulled this stunt. He told me that he will take the issue to court and that he had the law on his side.   I could not thing straight for these three days even as anger was getting the best of me. My wife and I prayed for the Good Lords will be to be done and that we would accept that in our life but that day driving to work I could not get the anger out of my mind, maybe I was still not coming to terms with what God had planned in our lives. When I got to work I asked a colleage of mine to pray for me to get this anger about my neighbor relieved from me as I did not want o consume me. He prayed over me in his office for the Holy Spirit to come over me and take my anger for my neighbor from me and to guide me on this matter when deal with him. I felt something in me that was lifted after his prayer and was able to focus more clearly. The next day as I was getting a quote to widen my drive way when my neighbor came out and wanted to talk to me so I decided to listen then he proceeded to apologize for his actions the day before and wanted to know what I was going to do about this issue. I told him that I will live by the survey in the front but would not ask him to move his fence back to the survey line so that we could be still good neighbors to each other. I know for a fact that the Good Lord played a big part in this matter and wanted to let you know that if we give our problems to GOD he will answer but be ready to accept it when and how it comes. 

Yesterday the kids and I were going to the grocery store, so we asked God to show us who in HEB needed a touch from Him.  Some of the words that He gave us were 'popsicles' 'divorced', and 'sad'.  I was headed toward where I thought the frozen popsicles were when I noticed an end cap with unrefrigerated popsicles.  The woman standing beside them was obviously in lack of some kind.  I watched her for a bit, waiting for a witness from the Spirit as to whether or not this was the one to approach.  When I was certain, I told her that the Lord had lead me to her and asked if there was anything I could pray for.  She immediately said that she was sad, that she has no friends or family, that she lives with and takes care of an 81-yr-old man who is mean to her, that her husband brought her to Texas, divorced her and left her here alone.  As I began to just love on her, she shared more of her story, stopping occasionally to comment on how she couldn't believe that I'd just stopped to pray for her.  She asked if I was 'one of those people who go around praying for people, and whatever they pray, happens.'  My mind hesitated, thinking that it doesn't always happen just like that, but before I knew it, my mouth said, 'Yes, I am!'  That was one of those times when the Spirit speaks from your mouth, but hearing it from your mouth was the first time you actually had the thought.  Talk about a gift of faith...that'll do it!  Anyways, she told me some testimonies of women she knew of who'd had prayers answered miraculously, and she gave me a list of things to pray for...she has no car, no driver's license, can't get the money from the two judgements against her husband because she has no driver's license, her teeth are all rotted except for one in the front, and she has a rash on her legs.  Her neighbor had brought her to the store.  I prayed for her there in the aisle, and Cole ran around the cart to come lay hands on her and pray, too.  She teared up several times and smiled and hugged me a couple of times.  She was just amazed that God loved her enough to send someone to tell her that He hasn't forgotten about her and to give her hope.  She gave me her name and phone number so that I can check on her.  
I have to constantly keep myself from actually carrying these people's burdens rather than bringing them to the Father and only participating in the natural when He tells me to.  This was one where you just wonder where on earth she is going to start, I mean, where do you begin to change that situation?  I have no reference point for this.  Then God reminds me, the frozen aisle was the starting place...the place where she was reminded of that flickering wick of hope and faith in her...and 'a flickering wick, He won't extinguish'!  Amen!  Thank You, Father, that You will follow her and overtake her with your blessings; Your name will be glorified and You will become her Savior and her hiding place!  Only You can do these things!!!
I also got to pray for my friend at work today who was feeling yucky from allergies.  Her stuffiness in her head began to go, and she said something was shifting or 'going down' in her chest (her chest was already heavy from the allergies/asthma...I think she was talking about reactive airway disease, which is just an allergic reaction causing restriction in the lungs...or something like that).  Anyways, I told her that when we pray, we expect change just like Jesus did.  When we get a little change (hers went from 8 to 5), then we thank Jesus and continue to take authority over the remaining pain/sickness, since it's presence is illegal based on the new covenant and goes against God's will.  So I prayed some more, and some of the heaviness in her chest lifted.  After the third prayer (and when I say 'prayer', I mean I said 'Thank You Jesus for the healing that's begun.  Stuffiness and pressure, be 100% gone in Jesus' name.'...about a 5 second supplement to the original prayers...kinda like kicking the stragglers in the britches and following sickness out the door;)  Just using the keys to the kingdom that He said is IN us...binding what's already bound in heaven (sickness) and loosing what's already loosed in heaven (healing) and praying God's will on earth as it is in heaven.  The last time I asked her if there was any more change, she wasn't specific, she just said, 'This is amazing!' (Or something to that effect...)
We bear His name and His Spirit, and so it makes sense that He said that those who believe WILL ...WILL...do what He did!  This is to be the norm, not the exception.  'Those who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits!'  Make it your goal to know Him and who you are in Him!  Be mighty on the earth!  Redeem the time!!
Okay, I'm going to say it again!  I've heard all kinds of testimonies from some of you about healing of/from teeth, sickness, pain, ... tons I can't remember...Please please write and send them!  You have no idea how it encourages me and everyone else, especially those of you who are 'new' to this kind of faith in action who are making such strides just by willfully taking a step of faith on His word!  Nothing is too small...let us hear from you!

God's Goodness, multiple testimonies (4.20.10)

9:52 PM Posted by Unknown

God is so good!  Do you know that?  I mean, in your heart, when you think of Him thinking of you, is He smiling?  Does He chuckle and swallow you up in a big bear hug?  If not, then you need a revelation of His love and heart toward you!  He's the only one who can truly give you that, so just ask!  He wants to pour out His goodness on you...in fact, He already has done that abundantly and in every way in Christ...and the more we search out the riches of God in Christ, the more we see the fullness of what we've been given in Him.  So great is His love for us!!!!  He's like a good Father on Christmas morning who can't wait for His children to open their gifts...each one carefully chosen to meet the desires and needs of His little cherished ones...  He's at the edge of His seat in anticipation of the joy that is about to explode in their little hearts!!  Oh, how He loves us!!!!!!  He loves it when we see that He's given us something, and we receive it and open it and use it and enjoy it and have overflowing hearts toward Him because of a new awareness of yet another facet of His love for us!  

You know the whole 'it is more blessed to give than to receive' thing?  It was the 'giver of all good things' who wrote that!  How is He pleased and blessed?  When we believe Him and receive from Him!  My heart's cry is to know His heart, to know what His intentions were for those of us chosen to live in this 'day of grace', so that I can redeem the time.  I feel such an urgency to discern my beliefs...to know which ones are the traditions of men that have made the word of God to no effect...so that I can throw them out and replace them with the powerful, life-giving pure truth!  I must hold my theology loosely, because God is bigger than whatever box my finite mind has Him in!  He is able to do immeasurably more than all I can ask, think, or imagine...'Anything is possible for him who believes!'   I never want to limit Him to what I've seen or experienced...there's always more because He's so so good!!!!!!

from Maritza -
Well we have a praise too! Zac my oldest broke his toe sat night it was swollen 2x the size, I talked to him about taking communion and the healing that is provided for, he was happy the next morning he said God healed his toe! No swelling and he was bending it! This is my Zac he just turned 17, so excited for him, this is his personal experience with God! Loving it! I also have started taking communion daily until my thyriod is Healed it is getting smaller! I had the kids look at it and feel it, so when it is gone, they will have been the eyewitnesses! Lord show up and Show off!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
from Lyndall - 
Since we talked last (Tuesday, April 13), I never did go get my back adjusted at the chiropractor. I prayed over it, asked for God to reveal sin in my heart and repented of it, and stayed committed to letting God heal me. Was able to notice lessened pain in my back by Wednesday and it has gone down to the point where I'm where I normally am with my back. I can't even pop it on my own now b/c I'm believing that God has it set where He wants it. :D It's still a daily reminder to pray for it when little pains pop up as they normally do.

I also prayed for [my son] to breathe free and clear and to not have trouble with his allergies or sinuses. We have given him children's zyrtec in the past, but since last Tuesday, he's not taken one dose of it. All we use is a cool mist humidifier in his room (and I'm not feeling convicted to get rid of that but will if God leads) now. [My wife] noted this to me this morning (that [our son] hasn't had troubles with sinus stuff) and and I reminded her that I've been praying over him. She's now pondering whether to get off her zyrtec - which would be a big step for her considering she has BAD allergies and she's taken it for many years. I told her I'll start praying earnestly about it if she feels God telling her to quit. Right now, I told her that maybe this is God's answer for her to take this until she feels strong enough to trust Him with healing her sinuses.

Today we were at a fundraiser race for my kids' school, and another parent/friend wasn't feeling well.  (Actually she's the parent of the girl with the tingling in her finger during prayer for the crushed bone...remember?)  Anyway, she had a pretty bad headache and let me pray for her.  Her pain immediately decreased after a 30-second prayer, saying that she felt tension leave on the right side.  I prayed for 100% pain gone, and sure enough, it was.  She didn't feel anything!  She said, 'That's amazing!'  I'd initially been a bit nervous because of my two co-workers who were watching, but after that, I was glad to have witnesses to immediate healing!  I asked her a while later if it was still gone, and she said that she could feel just a tinge of something in her head, but that her nausea was gone and she was feeling much much better!  I had not even known or prayed about the nausea!!  

Also, today our very good friend stopped by out of the blue.  He'd been working in another state, and we hadn't been in touch for months.  He was relating to us a financial predicament he's in because of the abuse of someone else (to put it very shortly), and it just so happens ;) that Johnny had come home for lunch (which he never does...ever) and heard a testimony on a tv program of a guy who'd had the exact (I mean verbatim) thing happen to him.  The guy totally let God handle it, and it turned out miraculously!  Johnny related the story to our friend, and I guess the rest is TBC!  I know I've quoted this verse from Revelations many times, but 'The testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy.' Hearing the timely testimony of another in your circumstance is just a personal invitation by God for you to trust Him for the very same thing in your own life.  It makes your faith leap, and then you are able to pray in faith for your miracle, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt (which is what faith is...) that you already have your answer.    "24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. " Mark 11

May the grace and peace of God be multiplied to you in the knowledge of Jesus Christ,


Love covers - the gas station and the neighbor (4.19.10)

2:35 PM Posted by Unknown

The gas station appointment - a spiritual/emotional healing testimony

from Johnny - 
I stopped at a gas station the other day, and I was trying to punch my pin number/mileage in while talking on the phone.  A car pulls up on the other side, and a guy gets out and comes around to me and starts pleading for money while smelling like alcohol.   I told him to wait until I could give him my full attention.  So I got off the phone and listened to what is a familiar story.  I lost my job, wife left me I need some money anything will help.  I said why don't you let me really help you.  He started telling me this story and included what sounded like horrible abuse by his mother.  He said he just left her the most hateful message he could muster up with the last battery life on his phone .  Through the course of the conversation I was using some scriptures and he was finishing them.  It turns out he knew the bible pretty well.  His face lit up as he told me how he was happy for  a period in his life when he was serving the Lord.  He could not understand why everything was so bad now.  I told him he needed to find bottom.  If these events set him on the right course then in one million years he would appreciate them.  He agreed.  I told him that God had a plan just for him before he laid the foundation of the earth and He also caused us to meet up.  He said things like "man you don't understand what you are saying...How did you know that"...I did not feel like it was any info that any person couldn't deduce from just talking to him but I could tell the Holy Spirit was speaking to his heart.  He was so encouraged.  I also told him that if he does not forgive his mother, he can expect worse.  I explained how we are commanded not only to forgive but to love on top of that.  I told how the Holy Spirit enables us to supernaturally forgive people who do awful things.  He really wanted to tell me what she did so I would quit telling him he needed to forgive her.   He eventually agreed that he would forgive his mother first.  I prayed for him several times.  He had been in contact with a pastor and had a church to go to for additional support.  I don't think anyone ever expressed the Father's heart toward him before.   He keep asking me "do you really think I could fulfill my destiny?"   He tried to give me the money back three times, and that has never happened to me before.

Neighbor dispute/relationship healed...the peace that truly passes all understanding 

I hope I have these details right but you will get the important part.  Last week a coworker came in one morning and was frantic about a property dispute between he and his neighbor, who happens to be a lawyer.  My friend was trying to be amicable about it but neighbor was taking advantage.  One day neighbor came out and provoked him pretending like my friend had agreed to something he had not.  After a while my friend looked down a saw that he was being videotaped without his prior consent.  And now the neighbor was threatening to sue as well.  My friend was distraught about having this kind of relationship with next door neighbor not to mention legal fees, possible loss of property etc.  So we prayed together and he asked for God to give the neighbor a new heart.  He surrendered the problem to God and left feeling much better (in other words whatever happens is up to God, He was not going to concern himself with it anymore).  I believe it was the next day my friend came back in thanking God for his deliverance in this situation.  The neighbor came over and apologized for the whole thing and was moving his landscaping.  There is now peace between them as result of the Prince of Peace being trusted with his case.

 29"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.[e] 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'[f] 31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[g]There is no commandment greater than these."
 32"Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. 33To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."
 34When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from thekingdom of God.Mark 12

43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you:Love your enemies[i] and pray for those who persecute you45that you may be sons of yourFather in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5

Let the children come to Me (4.18.10)

6:18 PM Posted by Unknown

Three more testimonies!...

My friend Sandy and her husband have recently decided to forego their son's scheduled appointment to have tubes in his ears....
"Thank you so much for the testimonies. 

I am continuing to pray over Noah and he has not had any ear infections even as he gets four new teeth in. I thank God for every day he is free from ear pain. And he took three steps by himself yesterday!

This morning, I felt a charlie horse starting in my calf muscle and instantly began to pray. Those can be so painful. Within 
5 seconds, it went away.

These are my baby steps. Each time, I am affirmed in how much God loves His people. "

"My daughter, Anina, had an infected ingrown toenail that was healed.  Last week after school she came to me crying that her toe hurt.  It was red and swollen, with visable pus under the skin.  My son and I prayed over it, but the pain did not decrease and the appearance did not change so we went to urgent care.  The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, and told me to soak it in Epsom salt.  He said there was a 50% chance she would have to come back and get the toe numbed and have part of her toenail removed.  We followed the doctor’s direction and continued to pray.  It is healed!  No procedure needed!"


This last testimony is one I found when reading the copies I get of my 8 yr-old's incoming and outgoing emails. Apparently he'd been emailing my friend Kim, whose son Andrew is his best friend. See the conversation below in red/blue, scrolling to the bottom to begin and reading up to the top here... I asked Kim later that night if Chuck's back was really healed, and she said it was, that he'd been doing yardwork and to have Cole pray for his legs too:)
This is a copy of a message sent by Kim Wright on 04/17/10.

From: the5wrights@sbcglobal.net To: cole@kidsemail.org Sent: April 17, 2010, 1:16 pm Subject: Incoming email for cole He is now! Thank you, Cole and Jesus!
Kim Wright Sent via BlackBerry

From: Cool Cole
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 13:13:59 -0700
Subject: RE:Re: none
ok thanks, al Prey:Lord heal chuck's bak in Jesus name, I bind you, (the sickness) Is Chuck Ok?
P.S.How was your day?
-----Original Message-----
From: the5wrights@sbcglobal.net Sent: 04-17-2010 02:52 PM To: cole Subject: Re: none
K, I will! You can help us pray for Mr. Chuck's back, it's very sore today. Thanks for asking!
Kim Wright Sent via BlackBerry

From: Cool Cole
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:47:30 -0700
Subject: none
Tell Andrew I said I Love him.
P.S.Is ther anything I can prey for?
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

John and Erica's knees; Just as Jesus was sent, so are we (4.17.10)

9:47 PM Posted by Unknown

Read each word carefully...He's talking about US!!!! YOU and ME!!!!!  Rise up, church!  There is MORE!!!!!!!
There aren't enough caps, large fonts, italics, and bolded letters to accentuate this message enough...

"4And Jesus replied to them, Go and report to John what you hear and see:
    5The blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed (by healing) and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and the poor have good news (the Gospel) preached to them.   6And blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) is he who takes no offense at Me and finds no cause for stumbling in or through Me and is not hindered from seeing the Truth."   Matt 11 (amp)

 "16They are not of the world (worldly, belonging to the world), [just] as I am not of the world.  17Sanctify them [purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy] by the Truth; Your Word is Truth.  18Just as  You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.  19And so for their sake and on their behalf I sanctify (dedicate, consecrate) Myself, that they also may be sanctified (dedicated, consecrated, made holy) in the Truth.  20Neither for these alone do I pray [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for all those who will ever come to believe in (trust in, cling to, rely on) Me through their word and teaching,  21That they all may be one, [just] as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe and be convinced that You have sent Me."  John 17 (amp)

God is good! Today we got to pray with several people out at Lewis Park.  We met John and Erica, both of whom had their knees healed!  Erica's pain decreased from a 7 to a 3 to a 1 and then went away completely.  After that, John agreed to receive prayer (he had originally declined), and God healed his knee that has (had!?!) a titanium plate in it.  His pain had left, and I told him to do something that he'd been unable to do.  He squatted all the way down and stood back up with no help!  Both of their injuries had been from their youth.  Pray that they find jobs soon, as they have only 3 more days at the Salvation Army.  He drives forklifts, etc, and she does cashier work.  They have a 7 year-old little girl and need a home.  

There are a couple more pretty cool testimonies from today, and from our life group last night, but I hope for others to email them in, in their own words.  

"11And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you." Romans 8 (amp)

Knees healed, nausea gone, Psalm 91 (4.16.10)

4:35 PM Posted by Unknown

In this update:  healing of nausea by receiving the Word, knee healed on a treasure hunt, knee healed at a healing service

Yesterday morning Cole woke up with his stomach hurting.  When he recognized it as nausea, he sat by the toilet saying 'just pray for me! quick! just pray now!'  Hassyn had thrown up the night before, but she said it was the carrots she ate that tasted funny (they did taste funny... I tried them.)  Now we thought it might be a virus, and God told Johnny to read Psalm 91 over him.  He used Cole's children's bible, and as he read, Cole felt better.  (And my faith shot through the roof hearing those words.)  Cole said that his stomach didn't feel bad anymore but that he was still hot and dizzy.  I also noticed that his face looked pale.  He laid on the cold tile while Johnny anointed him with oil and prayed.  In a few seconds he said that he wasn't hot anymore but that his face felt funny, which I knew because it still looked pale.  Johnny prayed again, and the color returned.  He said everything was normal except the back of his neck still felt hot.  I prayed and that last little bit left, too.  He and Hassyn were both completely normal from then on.  Thank You, Jesus!  Your Word is life!  

(Btw, on his way out the door that morning, Johnny said that he'd felt the day before that we should take the Lord's supper, but he didn't act on it... It's so important to act on His nudges!  We could have avoided all of this!  But as usual, God worked His good for us at whatever point we listened to Him.  And now we have another testimony to defeat the enemy with!)

Here's Psalm 91(NIrV), bold emphasis mine
 1 The person who rests in the shadow of the Most High God
      will be kept safe by the Mighty One.
2 I will say about the Lord,
      "He is my place of safety.
   He is like a fort to me.
      He is my God. I trust in him."
3 He will certainly save you from hidden traps
      and from deadly sickness.
4 He will cover you with his wings.
      Under the feathers of his wings you will find safety.
      He is faithful. He will keep you safe like a shield or a tower.
5 You won't have to be afraid of the terrors that come during the night.
      You won't have to fear the arrows that come at you during the day.
6 You won't have to be afraid of the sickness that attacks in the darkness. 
      You won't have to fear the plague that destroys at noon.
7 A thousand may fall dead at your side.
      Ten thousand may fall near your right hand.
      But no harm will come to you.
8 You will see with your own eyes
      how God punishes sinful people.
9 The Lord is the one who keeps you safe.
      So let the Most High God be like a home to you. 

10 Then no harm will come to you.
      No terrible plague will come near your tent. 

11 The Lord will command his angels
      to take good care of you.
12 They will lift you up in their hands.
      Then you won't trip over a stone.
13 You will walk all over lions and cobras.
      You will crush mighty lions and poisonous snakes.
14 The Lord says, "I will save the one who loves me.
      I will keep him safe, because he trusts in me.
15 He will call out to me, and I will answer him.
      I will be with him in times of trouble.
      I will save him and honor him.
16 I will give him a long and full life.
      I will save him."

Something similar happened to me over a year ago.  I had flu-like symptoms hit me out of the blue one morning.  Every sick symptom you can think of came within a few minutes of each other.  I knew it was wrong and immediately started 'covering the bases'...rebuking the sickness, asking God for healing, binding afflicting spirits, having Johnny pray for me, ...you name it...  I left for school white as a ghost (you know, more than usual:), and feeling like I could puke at any minute.  But we are to operate according to TRUTH (that I WAS healed by His stripes), not by sight (what I feel in my body), so I went to school with that in mind, knowing that I had functions to perform for the kingdom and was not going to let the enemy direct my day.   I kept thinking of the verse 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusts in Thee'; I knew it by heart but for some reason felt (ie, discerned the voice of the Holy Spirit) that I needed to actually read it.  So right before class I read it on BibleGateway.com in the amplified version which said, "You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You." Is 26:3  As soon as my eyes hit the words 'leans on You', every symptom vanished quicker than it appeared.  All that we glean from others' testimonies, from previous experience, and even from our knowledge of the word cannot replace the quickened word, that word that the Holy Spirit speaks afresh to you for your situation when you come to Him personally to receive it!  Never, like Israel, trade the Presence of God, even for His own principles!  Recall that Israel ended up with God's law, but Moses ended up with a face that reflected God's glory!  

Treasure hunt with the kids:  
My kids and I prayed for God to show us His 'treasure' yesterday, to give us clues on where to go and who needed to be ministered to.  We all wrote down the things He brought to our mind and drove around looking for someone who fit the clues.  We ended up at a couple's house in the next neighborhood, and we prayed for some personal things for them as well as for her knee.  They were amazed when, after prayer, I told her to check out her knee.  Praying in faith means expecting something to change!!  Indeed, her pain was leaving!  She was walking around her driveway, bending it and squatting and talking about what all she would be able to do now.   Praise God!  

Last night Johnny went to a healing service in Decker Prairie.  He'd re-injured his knee this week trying to beat the kids and me at a game of hide and seek, but a guy prayed for him and he was healed!  Praise the Lord!  A lot more happened at that service...maybe I can get him to write up a few more things...


Philippe's heart and Jaime's tooth (4.9.10)

10:27 AM Posted by Unknown

Not sure if I mentioned that Jan, Philippe, and I prayed for his heart after concern was expressed over some tests from years previous.  He had to redo tests, and Jan just sent me this:

"Love these PRAISE reports!  Here's another:  Philippe met with the cardiologist today and he said that the stress testsrevealed absolutely nothing wrong with Philippe's heart!  We are REJOICING and we thank Him for answering our prayers for healing and protection!  ... JESUS HEALS and RESTORES! AMEN!"
I also have a “tooth” story. J  One of my molars was recently KILLING me in pain. I knew it was probably needing a root canal as it hurt to drink even water. Well, I’ve been praying over it and now its as if nothing is even wrong with it! J

Jaime J

Praise Jesus!!!!!!!

Healing and Communion, Johnny's allergy testimony (4.13.10)

10:00 AM Posted by Unknown

Jesus said that when we take Communion, or The Lord's Supper, we are to recognize His blood AND His body.  His blood was shed for the remission of our sins, and it was by the stripes on His body that we were healed.  Paul said that many are sick among us or have even died because we've failed to discern the body.  We are to examine whether or not we are in the faith...when we drink the cup, we remember that our sins are forgiven because of Jesus's blood, but when we eat the bread...we often lump it in with the cup, don't we?  But there's a reason we take the cup AND the bread...because in taking the bread we remember our healing by His stripes.  The original passover was a picture of the same...the Israelites stood behind the blood of the lamb, which kept the death angel away from their home, and they were to eat the body of the lamb before they left.  And it is recorded that no feeble one was found among them.  There were 2 to 3 million of them...and not one was sick or feeble!  Jesus did that for us, and we are to recognize it when we take communion.  If we don't recognize Christ's forgiveness and healing, then it's just wine and bread, and we drink and eat judgment and sickness and even death on ourselves by not partaking of Him!  This doesn't mean He condemns us or makes us sick...that goes against the new covenant and the heart of the Father that Jesus displayed in His ministry on earth, but it does mean that if we don't take what was given, then what's in place is just going to take its natural course, whether that's sin or sickness.  

In our home, we take communion almost daily, and sometimes we take it like medicine.  Below is a testimony of how that began and of the first healing that came from it...    

from Johnny - 
"I mentioned this to many people but I suppose many more have not heard.  I was watching Perry Stone once and he was talking about the healing that can come from taking the Lord’s Supper.   This is not our tradition but I took note anyway.  Sometime later Joseph Prince was preaching on the same thing.  Amanda and I expressed to each other that we would like to do that sometime.  I thought about partaking in it that night but Amanda was asleep and I was sleepy too.  I got in bed and cracked my bible to read a little before I went to sleep.  The first words I saw were “give us today our daily bread”.  I believed through this God was telling me to go take it.  So I got up and went into the kitchen and took the Lord’s supper.  Then I went to sleep.  I need to say that since I moved back to Houston in 2001, every fall I sneezed for two months straight.  It was like that old cartoon where the character begs people to kill him in between sneezes.  I did not pray for anything that night but just went to sleep.  The next morning I woke up and noticed my allergies were gone, and they are still gone.  This happened in fall 2008. 

Thank you, Jesus!  "3His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godlinessthrough our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature..." 2 Peter 1

Healing in the Word, backs, knees, teeth, nausea, headaches (4.13.10)

9:59 AM Posted by Unknown

I Thessalonians 2:13 (amplified version) says "And we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe (exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it)"  This isn't a general faith in God, it is a holding firm to His specific Word toward us in such a way that that very word is our sole object of trust and dependence in the situation that we sought Him in. 

To be sure, it is the Word, Jesus, His finished work, the Father, the work of the Holy Spirit....it is GOD who heals, not a man.  The word can come to us personally, as in the testimony below, and we are healed. Or is can come through a person... which is why we are to be ministers of the gospel, of reconciliation, of the kingdom, of His Word.  WE are given the task of speaking His word, His truth, to others so that they can receive it and begin the process of I Thessalonians 2:13  We do the natural, and His Word does the supernatural.  We are CO-LABORERS with Christ!  What a fun and fulfilling privilege and responsibility!!

and now, for the testimony:)
Kenny (our Sunday School teacher, for those who don't know him) got this reply yesterday from his online healing ministry, Jesusheals.com.  Recall that "He sends forth His WORD and HEALS us"!

"I am getting a lot out of the simple, direct teaching Of the Word of
 God. I have been experiencing back pain for many years but recently
 I've been reading the Word of God more about His love for me and His
 nature as Healer, and honestly the back pain has completely gone away.
 The Word really is a sword! When I have fearful thoughts I experience
 back pain. Then I use the Word of God to remember the true mind [and
 protection] of Christ I've been given and the pain goes away! I am
 hoping your teachings will help increase my faith on a deeper level to
 speak out the truth to any physical pain I may experience [or others
 around me] in the future. I see a direct correlation between my
 thoughts and my physical flesh - when I am thinking depressed or
 anxious thoughts I begin to have back pain or headaches. I am hoping
 your teaching will help the Truth get in and eradicate those thoughts!
 Thank you. Lizzy"
More results/instances of praying for the sick in the last few days:
  • friend at church - anxiety and skin disorder (TBC)
  • friend at church - chronic neck and back pain, there was slight relief (TBC)
  • friend over the phone - doubled over in pain from a tooth infection and resulting headache, pain symptoms over 90% gone during prayer
  • student had a bump on his head this morning from an accident with a door at school.  The pain left immediately when Lacey and I prayed.
  • student had rash on arms...stinging left immediately during prayer, raised places went down, and surrounding redness began to go.  She needed to go back to class, so we just trusted that it was going to keep going away.
  • my student was leaving school early for a headache and nausea.  During prayer, she said the nausea left and the headache was almost gone.  Since her mom had already come to pick her up, I told her to go ahead and go and just keep rebuking the headache and anything else that came resurfaced.  
  • awaiting Johnny's testimony of a co-worker who'd asked for prayer for some turmoil in relation to his neighbor...got an amazing report on that yesterday...
  • Lacey, send in Lauryl's 'no more cavity' testimony!
  • This is not recent, but you haven't heard it:  When Hassyn was little, she sat up just as I was giving her her sippy cup in bed, and it hit her tooth very hard.  The tooth turned gray, but we prayed over it, and it slowly turned white again...they were all straight, even, and white.  Well, last year I noticed that that same tooth was sitting higher than the one beside it...it was very noticeable.  So we just began to pray over it...that it would be straight, even, and that the permanent one would be perfectly healthy and would push it down properly.  I've noticed in the past few weeks, that that tooth has done exactly what we prayed and is now almost perfectly even with the adjacent tooth again.  Thank you Jesus...YOU did that!!
  • I also haven't told you all about my back and my knees:  In the past couple of years I had been feeling torque on my knees, at first when I sat with my legs bent up under me, but then it got to be all the time, even if my legs were straight.  Every time I started to feel that, I just spoke Christ's healing over them and in His name commanded there to be cartilage there if any had been lost.  Now my knees are healed, and I don't feel any torque anymore.  WooHooo!  
  • My back...well now that I think about it there are several back stories...it was getting to be fairly common for disks to slip...a recurring problem that started after my first pregnancy.  Well, I used to go to the chiropractor and spend weeks and money to get my vertebrae in line again.  The three most recent times, though, I didn't need a chiropractor!  My disk slipped in Hassyn's room one night; I fell to the floor and told her to go get her Daddy.  He prayed over me, and I was able to get up and walk.  The pain was still there, but it had left within the next day of praying over it.  The next time I was leaning over the kitchen table helping the kids with homework.  The disk slipped, and I fell flat on my face on the table.  All three of my kids immediately laid hands on me and started praying.  (Kids' faith is generally stronger than adults' faith...they have less learned unbelief...it's why we are told to come as a child.  I get them to pray for/with me a lot for that very reason.)  I knew I was healed, and though I didn't feel like it, I willed myself to respond to the word they'd prayed over me.  I pushed myself up to a standing position and began to walk...I thought, if I fall, oh well, they can just call Johnny, but I knew I had to try, so I did.  (We literally WALK by faith, not by sight or any other of our carnal senses.)  Within three steps, the strength and stability had returned to my back, and within hours the pain left, too.  It was like the man in Acts 3 whose ankles were strengthened WHILE he was being helped up, not before.  The third time, the disk did not fully slip...I sensed it just before it happened.  I braced myself by holding on to something, and said 'Oh no you don't!  In the name of Jesus, back, you stay straight and strong!'  It did, and whenever I feel even a tinge of weakness come, I try to catch it just like that.
  • Okay, so the back testimony I originally meant to tell is more recent.  I was at the healing school in California, and our new friend Craig, a Bethel student from New Zealand, prayed for my back.  I always have lower back pain from being in the same position too long...especially driving or sleeping wrong.  Probably what we would consider 'normal' dull pain.  I didn't even notice until a few weeks ago that  that pain has  not returned.  It doesn't matter how I sleep or how long I sit, I am healed!  I guess I need to share that with him...just another case where the person doing the praying isn't aware of the fruit of that prayer!
  • I can't even begin to recount to you the many many everyday sicknesses that we have victory over in our family now.  And we praise God for EVERY one of them, no matter how small!  Psalm 103 says 'Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not ALL HIS BENEFITS, WHO FORGIVES ALL OUR SIN AND HEALS ALL OUR DISEASES.'  Amen!!  
Many of you have told me awesome testimonies this week, and I can't remember them!! Please email them!