Knees, allergies, feet, back, eyes (10.26.10)

11:07 AM Posted by Unknown

I have several new testimonies for you, starting with these two:

We had a visitor at life group last week (Ruby) who'd had knee pain and popping for a while that doctors could not help her with.  Both knees had pain completely and quickly go during prayer, and the popping decreased so much that she could barely still sense it.  Her rating of it was from a 8 to a 1.  (On a scale of 10, based on her perceived level.)  She left in faith that it would cease completely.  Thank You, Jesus! 

We also prayed for Malik's allergies.  They were severe enough to cause sinus infections and hives, and the medicine he'd been on was created worse side-effects, so his parents took him off of it.  Joann told me today that he's been allergy-free (no hives, no sinus stuff) since that night.  Praise God!

Preface to these next testimonies:
Mark 4:17 says that trouble comes because of the word.  Apparently the enemy knows when life-giving seeds have been sown and brings trouble in order to make the recipient doubt that word and give up.  He knows that the victory that overcomes the world is our faith. (1 John 5)  His highest (and only) hope in the midst of his deception is that we won't know or acknowledge Christ and that which He has freely given us...he hopes that we will not recognize him in a situation...he hopes that we don't call him on it and squash his attempts with the very word he attempts to steal.  I feel a heads up is needed, and let me explain why...

Nearly every time we send out a testimony, a very similar trouble arises.  Call it an attack , a lying symptom, a lie...whatever, it's a trouble.  I have some new testimonies to share with you, and this time I'm going to case them in the things that accompany them because I want you to pick up on this.  I'll put the new testimonies in bold so that you'll recognize them easily:

Last week, you received a testimony about Kevin's left foot being healed.  Well, just before his foot became swollen and painful (for no apparent reason), he'd prayed for his wife's left foot for a different type of injury.  The day after I sent the testimony of Kevin's healing, I woke up with a random bruise on the top of my left foot, and I was unable to walk on it without limping.  Furious, I quickly rebuked that pain or lying symptom or whatever, and I was immediately able to walk on it without pain.  I shared this testimony at life group, and the next day recognized a tinge of that pain.  Well, I've let that go for a while, but it just occurred to me that a tinge of pain is unacceptable.  It's not welcome.  It can only stay if I do nothing, so I've just stopped to pray over that, and it isnow completely gone.

Also last week, Mykal gave her testimony of being healed after 5 years of pain.  Fifteen minutes after she hit send, her back began to spasm and was so painful that she had trouble tending to her little ones.  She recognized what was going on and asked for prayer.  A couple of friends emailed their prayers, and she said that she could feel the pain decrease while she read them outloud and while her little girl prayed.  She was about 50% better at that update and is almost normal now. 

Yesterday (Sunday), Lacey had something wrong with her eyes.  She described it as her vision being cut in two, so she was seeing things in pieces.  We prayed, and her vision was restored immediately.  Today our son Cole had a vision screening at school.  He's never complained about his eyes, but he said that he failed the test in his left eye.  Both he and his friends said that he couldn't count fingers correctly with his right eye covered.  I didn't believe him, so I tested him.  Sure enough, from about 3 feet away, he was miscounting my fingers and complaining of blurriness.  I also noticed that when he covered his right eye, his left pupil dilated very big very quickly.  I didn't know if this was normal when you covered one eye, so I had him cover the left eye, and his right one eventually dilated very slightly.  Tried the left again, and again it dilated very big very quickly.  "Oh, I don't think so! (accompanied by a neck swivel and pointed finger, which I promptly laid on his eye...)  In the name of Jesus, eye, you are whole!  You have 20/20 oversensitivity, no undersensitivity, etc...  Be healed in the name of Jesus!"  And he was.  Just like that.  I watched the pupil go back down, and he said it wasn't blurry anymore.  I tested him by having him name a tiny variable I had written on the gridboard there in my classroom, probably 8 to 10 feet away.  He said, "y".  I said, "You're healed."  Thank You Lord, my babies are in Your hands!

Do not doubt your healing.  Do not doubt any benefit or promise of the Lord.  Do not doubt His words of encouragement over you, in whatever area they are.  Jesus overcame, and He is King.  God is good, and He's your Daddy.  He has a purpose He's set over you, and nothing can sway it as long as you only get your information from His voice, not from the liar who incites unbelief.

Whatever He's speaking to you, set it before you in stone.  Keep it before your eyes.  Keep Him, His fresh word to you, and the awareness of His faithfulness right before your eyes.  Because trouble will come because of that word.  Expect it, ...and use that very word to crush it.  Resist the enemy, and he WILL flee.  

And now, you'll better understand this next prayer request...  We testified of Johnny's boss's tests coming out with no trace of cancer.  Well they did more tests on a different area, and now they're saying otherwise.  It is of utmost importance that we shed the light of Jesus on that report right now.  The fear and doubt and disappointment that probably just raised it's head must be extinguished right now.  Where is Jesus in this?  ...the One whose stripes healed this man so long ago.  He's at the right hand of God making intercession for him.  He's doing what He said He would do.  He said ANYTHING we ask the Father in His name would be done.  "Father, in the name of Jesus we ask for any cancer and it's effects to be swept away like trash caught in rapids.  And now we command all tests to line up the will of God, in Jesus' name.  Because the Son only did what He saw the Father do, and He only said what He heard His Father say, and His words are "I am willing, be healed."  Amen, Lord.  Because YOU have said it."

No trace of cancer (10.20.10)

8:45 PM Posted by Unknown

Johnny's been praying for his boss's boss who was diagnosed with cancer...apparently the original test 'lit up' with cancer.  But now, the blood tests and biopsies show nothing.  No trace.  Hallelujah!

5 years of pain gone, Chip's miracle (10.19.10)

8:38 PM Posted by Unknown

from Mykal and Annette:

"I have been meaning to send this for a week or so:
I had terrible "charlie horse" calf cramps during my pregnancy with Nova, 2005. I would wake in the night and grasp the bed frame so hard my nails would break! I continued to have a knot and pain down into my heal  for 5 years until last month! I actually went to a chiropractor and had 3/wk PT on it in 2006 and it improved while under treatment, but never completely healed. It bothered me on a daily basis, but certain shoes would especially irritate it. Several weeks ago I was painting my toe nails and just decided to hold my calf and pray outloud for healing. Amazing! I just realized the other day that it had not hurt since! This wasn't keeping me from living my life. Surely not a life-altering prayer for healing, some might think, but our God cares about even the little things! He heard me and healed me! Hooray!
Psalm 103:2-3 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who heals all thy diseases"

Annette sent me this link, a testimony from a guy her friend knows, and I just checked it out.  It is an awesome testimony from within the past month.  While Chip is still in bad condition in the hospital, his wife is videoing him and speaking over him "Everyone will see this miracle, and they will know that it is the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, who did it.  Be healed in the name of Jesus."  And he is healed.  Check it out, and like Annette says...get your tissue ready.  

"A close friend of mine’s kid’s principal just went through an amazing ordeal…check it out on youtube.  Get your tissue ready.

Annette G. Terrell"

weight loss, foot healed, OCD (fear) gone, more (10.18.10)

8:36 PM Posted by Unknown

We have a small group of friends that we are very close with, like family.  We eat together, worship together, pray together, and help each other.  Whenever we see one another, if one of us has a need of any kind, we all (whoever of us is present), lay hands on that person and pray in faith over that person.  We honor Christ in one another, recognizing Him among us.  We are able to receive ministry from one another because we have made an effort to become more familiar with Christ in each other than with each other's natural man.  

Sunday a week ago, Destiny stopped a few of us after church and asked us to pray for miraculous weight loss for her...specifically 60 pounds.  (We'd all heard numerous testimonies of miraculous weight loss.)  So we laid hands on her and asked Daddy for the weight to come off swiftly.  Wow!  on Thursday I received this from Destiny:

"Hello my peeps!  Sunday 10/10/10, I felt led to get prayer for supernatural weight loss.  I've been praying for this for a while and felt led to get my peeps to lay hands on me too. ... Well, PRAISE THE LORD, since Sunday, I have been steady losing 1-3 pounds every day.  I've lost a total of 7 lbs since Sunday!!!  Without trying!  Without working out!  So thank you for your faith and being here for me!!!  I love youz guyz!!

7 down.  53 to go!  I am believing for this continued complete miracle!  I believe in miracles!  I receive my miracle of 60 lbs supernatural weightloss!!  Thank You Jesus!!!!  You are so good!

The last I spoke with her, this last Sunday (10.17.10), she'd lost 10.  That's 10 pounds lost in one week without trying!  Isn't it wonderful to not be able to credit man at all, but to receive straight from Daddy God's hand like a child!  
Another of our group had been having tremendous foot pain for about 3 days.  It began just itching randomly and quickly became very swollen and painful.  He was unable to bend his toes or put pressure of any kind on the foot. The foot could not bear his weight because of the pain, and he'd been on crutches for these days.  Here is his testimony that he sent to his family, (hoping to sway their beliefs on healing):

"We stopped our friend's house on the way home last night. We all prayed for my foot. Within 10 minutes the swelling had gone down by half and the pain had gone away to the point that I can stand on it and walk normally. It is still swollen and I have discomfort in my upper foot, but I know that will be gone today.  GOD is Good!!
Kevin "
(He could also bend his toes after those minutes of prayer.)

We've all had plenty of long distance prayers answered, and it is great to have others praying over a situation, but this should never replace actually laying hands on one another for healing or any other need.  I have to continue to remind myself of this because it's so easy to just agree to pray rather than actually pray with a person...I'm sure the reason it feels that way at the moment has something to do with our enemy, who is fully aware of what happens when we pray as our Lord instructed us to in His word!  

Other progress in the past few weeks that occurred during the time of hands-on prayer... All glory to God!! Some of this healing was complete, some healing increased after prayer, some the relief came during prayer but pain returned afterward, and we are still praying for insights into these reoccurring things:
  • deliverance from extreme OCD, spirit of fear/anxiety (R.M.)
  • pain relief in right arm (A.T.)
  • headache, stress relief (J.R.)
  • vomiting the individual and did not spread to family members (C.C.)
Please send me your testimonies!

Tyler's collarbone, Kerry's baby (9.28.10)

5:50 PM Posted by Unknown

 This healing came very soon after this request went out:

"Friends, please pray right now for David and Kerry Kersh.  Kerry is past the due date with their first child, and a fluid test on the baby showed that there may be a problem.  They've induced her this afternoon, and if not dilated, she'll go in for a C-section tomorrow.  Please pray 1)that the baby is whole now in Jesus' name and will be delivered healthy from head to toe, 2) for Kerry's complete peace and a sound mind (as per the Word), 3)for a peaceful birth with no complications, 4)for powerful, faith-filled nurses and doctors who operate in all ways according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  We praise You ahead of time, Father, for the greater-than-we-can-ask-or-imagine outcome of this situation with your children! "
An hour or so later, my dad called to say that the baby was doing fine!  Days later I learned the baby was born and mommy and baby are well.

Praise!! Testimony of healing from Paula S. -
First and most important, on June 6th of this summer, Tyler made public his faith in Jesus' gift of salvation. He was baptized on August 15th. This is his freshman year in high school and he was the starting quarterback and defensive safety for the freshman team. They were playing in Kerrville and he tackled a guy while on defense and 
broke his collarbone right before the end of the half. It was heartbreaking to him. I don't know if you've been around anyone who has trained for an athletic sport but Tyler has worked more than three years to earn his position as quarterback. We saw the crack on the x-ray at the ER in Kerrville. Today, 17 days later, the x-ray showed no crack. This week is an off week for them (no game) so it gives him extra days to lift weights and condition but absolutely no contact. The coach said they will take good care of him and he will not get hit!! He will go back to the doctor on the 11th to x-ray again. If (when) the doctor releases him, he may be able to play in the last three games. Remarkable!

I know God blesses us with miracles each and every day which, sadly, go totally unnoticed. Hopefully, God answering Tyler's specific prayer and giving him the "desires of his heart" will have a dramatic impacted on his (and all of our) relationship and understanding of our Lord! Major prayer answered at age 15...PRICELESS!!

Blood condition (Julie's friend), Jeannie's back (10.7.10)

5:47 PM Posted by Unknown

I'd written earlier about Jeannie's back...she told me last night that she is now PAIN FREE!!  Praise God!!

Julie verbally told me a testimony two weeks ago that I will try to retell, although I can't recall all the details.  She'd prayed for a school acquaintance, and the lady was healed from a condition that had repeatedly caused miscarriages.  A blood test confirmed this change a couple of days later.  What stuck with me was that the lady told Julie, 'Much of my family and friends told me 'I'll be praying for you', but you were the only one who actually laid hands on me and prayed.'  Awesome, Julie, way to step out!  All glory to God!

Jesus said, 'These signs SHALL follow them who BELIEVE: in My name, they will LAY HANDS on the sick, and the sick SHALL recover.' 

tumor down, eye healed, infections/sores healed (9.8.10)

8:16 PM Posted by Unknown

A while back I reported a few of us going to MD Anderson to pray for Harold.  In mid August, his wife Marcy texted me that his tumor has shrunk by 12%, and his cea (lab) is at an all-time low.  Thank You, Lord!

Yesterday I sent the report of 'C.L.'  Today her mom, Angi, sent me this update after their scheduled doctor's visit:
"I took Court to her eye appt today and (surprise, surprise) we received a report of NO MORE SWELLING! Her optic nerve is still a little red, but we know how to fix that. The doctor wants us to continue weaning her off her steroid drops very slowly and have another check-up in two months.
This is the first time she has been inflammation free since February! ALL 

I noticed the other night after we prayed for her that her pupils were dilated, and I looked around the table and no one else's were. I didnt say anything at the time because she wasn't feeling well and I was a little worried it might scare her to hear that.  But I have no doubt in my mind that as we prayed for her, there was a physical, supernatural change taking place inside her eye. God is great and greatly to be praised! "

I also got these awesome testimonies from Destiny - 

"I prayed for Paula (my bros girlfriend).  For her infection in her leg that caused her to have fever and tremendous pain to leave in Jesus name!  (She was suffering a couple days with a visit to the hospital because she had 105 fever.  The hospital got the fever down but could not do anything for the infection.  They did not even give her antibiotics). After praying, nothing instant happened.  So I prayed for [more] of the Holy Ghost.  Amen.  She then went to soak in the tub and when she was done, the infection came out and the pain was gone!  All glory to God This had a huge impact on her and she is now wanting to know this Jesus.  So good He is!!!!  

My Mom had a scratch type sore.  It was different.  It was swollen and raised up.  It almost looked like a quarter sized mole with 3 or 4 scratches.  Well, it would not heal.  She had this for a long time and no difference had come.  She asked for prayer and I commanded it to be healed in Jesus name.  Short and sweet.  The next day it went down almost completely!  The day after, it was completely gone!  And the lump she said she had for years in the area was gone too!  Amen Jesus!  You are goodness to our soul!  She then went to share her testimony with her hubby, my Pops.  Sweet!  

Another family member, Shannon, is 15 and suffering from an open wound on her lower back spine area that won't heal.  She can't sit up straight.  She's in constant pain.  It's hard to walk.  This wound is about 4-6 inches. She can only sleep on her stomach.  If she acidentally rolls over in her sleep, the pain wakes her up.  Tremendous pain.  They asked for prayer from my Mom.  She told them she would ask me to pray for her.  I prayed for through email.  I typed the words the Lord put on my heart to say.  It was very in depth and powerful.  Jesus took over.  It was awesome!  I got a report that her wound had healed halfway and that when she read the prayer, it lifted her spirits so much.  She had become depressed because of this, and Jesus put the smile back on her face!  He is so GOOD!  Her pain went down too.  She has hope.  Thank You Jesus!  I am believing for complete healing.  Amen!"

Lord, YOU are GOOD.  You are GOOD! 

Alzheimer's gone, better vision, tendonitis improved (9.7.10)

8:14 PM Posted by Unknown

I meant to send these out earlier with the first batch.  This first part is from Johnny:

Some of these details may be a little off.  I have a friend at work that has parents in their 80s.  His father fell and broke his hip, and his mother had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  For some medical reason his father could not have surgery for several weeks.  My friend was stressed as they live in another state, and his mom was not taking the right amount of medication among other things, and he was worried about her.  He was going to have to put her in assisted living, temporarily at least, and she was not very understanding.  So when he told me all this I asked him if I could pray and he lit up and said please do.  When we had just finished a state trooper pulled up and said "are y'all finished praying...I was hoping to get in on it?.". He asked if my friend was a preacher (You must be a preacher to pray in public).  I said "we can pray for you too. What do you need prayer for?  He said I will not turn down prayer, pray for my protection".  When we got finished my friend was beside himself.  He come back to me maybe months later and said I have been meaning to tell you I really think that prayer worked.  My dad had the surgery and he was wanting to mow the lawn 7 days later.  The doctor said he had never seen anyone recover that fast.  I asked about his mother.  She was still very forgetful.  We prayed for her.  Later on I got a report from him that she showed no signs of Alzheimer's.
That same weekend I got news of an uncle that had earlier also been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  My father said he could not even tell there was anything wrong with my uncle.  Later on I heard he may have been 'misdiagnosed'.  I believe he was healed.  "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well;"

I forgot to mention earlier two prayer results from Saturday.  Steve, who has tendonitis (I think), had 80% improvement during prayer, and Robert had partial restoration of vision.  Funny, we were praying for his disks, nerves, and circulation, but when he opened his eyes, he said he could see better!  We were in a hurry and couldn't stay and pray through everything, but man he was excited!  He said he couldn't move from that spot (in a good way), and he looked like he had a frozen grin on his face.  He kept saying how good God is.  Amen!


Grace's cancer cells gone...also Jeannie and C.L. (9.7.10)

5:03 PM Posted by Unknown

Hi all!  I know it's been a while since I've sent out any testimonies.  So many of you this week and last have told me how encouraging they are for you and how you've missed them.  Thank you.  The Lord used you, His word, and strangers to encourage me, and I am very grateful.  

ALL GLORY to GOD!  Here ya' go....

from Jeannie:    
"But it was so amazing to realize all of a sudden while sitting Sat nite I had absolutely no [back] pain or burning and also Sun morning and 3/4 of that day. Even now as I sit writing to you I would say the pain level is about a 3 on a scale of 1-10.  And Sat morning when you asked me I didn't really know what to say and said 5 well comparing that to now I was more like an 8 Sat."  Jeannie testified that when she would pray in the Spirit, the pain would leave.  It did return a day or more, later, but when I spoke with her a week later, she said she was 'better' and that the Lord had given her a verse to stand on.

C.L. - 
We also prayed for some friends' little girl on Sunday.  She's had swelling in her eye (iris and sclera) for many months now and has undergone all sorts of testing.  Lots has been ruled out, but there's no diagnosis.  She's been on meds to keep it from flaring.  After we prayed, I didn't check her because I didn't know she was feeling any pain.  There were no visible signs to go by either.  However, she said that her eye stopped hurting when we prayed...that she'd forgotten to take her drops and had just told her sister that her eye was hurting again, but that it wasn't anymore!  She goes back to the doc tomorrow...can't wait to see those clear test results!!! Thank You, Jesus, for ALL you have delivered her from!

Many of you have shared testimonies with me over the last month, and especially recently... Please email them to me!!  This last one I received just today from my pastor's wife, sent in from a member of our church, Grace, who was healed this week.  You'll notice she doesn't 'speak' (write) what the doctors named her 'abnormal cells' or 'mass', but you can tell what it was.  What I really want you to take note of is what this fight of faith looks like.  Here is the condensed version:

"[Pastor] Randy,

I have been battling abnormal cells in my cervix for quite a few years and in March this year had a very high grade abnormal papwhich sent me to a Gyn Oncologist.  I have been standing strong on God’s Word  (listening to Andrew Womack Healing teachings) and digging into God’s Word and prayer. God had given me many scriptures to stand on; 1Peter 2:24 (by His Stripes we WERE HEALED) Psalm 103:1-3; Luke 8:50 and many more, but standing in the midst on continued bad reports is not easy.   So it was a battle working on renewing my Mind with the Word and putting down fear and unbelief.   I had several more tests and Ultrasounds which continued to be bad. When the doctor gave me a bad report I told her “I refuse to accept and cancel that report because I believe by the Stripes of Jesus I WAS healed – 1 Peter 2:24”  and she thought I was a bit nuts but actually said I am a Christian and respect where you are coming from BUT, look at what I am seeing on your report.  I refused to look at or read my report, but continued believing and standing on God’s Word.  (When all this was happening our business has been hit with the biggest financial downturn since we have had the company (20 years), so stress was in abundance.) About a month ago your brother (think his name is Larry) taught or preached while you were on vacation then stayed to pray and give a Word to whoever was there to receive. When I told him what was going on, he rose about it a proclaimed – "You shall Live and not Die and proclaim the oracles of the Lord” and then proceeded to rebuke those nasty abnormal cells (which I will not call by name) and command them to leave my body.  He also taught on 'speaking to the mountain', which I had learned from Andrew’s teachings – and heard it for years (have been a spirit filled Christian for 28 years).  But having it become a reality in your spirit in incredible!!  A couple of weeks ago, during Praise & workship, I was crying out to the Lord and thanking Him that his Word is true and does not return void, and I had a vision of Jesus, who reached in and pulled out a mass of something within me and said “Be healed … your faith has made you whole”….   It moved me so much I could hardly stand it!!

My Doctor, even though I had already had 2 pelvic ultrasounds decided to do another, as I have surgery scheduled for September 16th, so I went in and had two people who have been praying with me, agreeing on God’s total healing, tell me I would get a good report. I of course went in each time expecting a good report and did not get it, but this time I had an incredible peace.  Went in to see the Doctor the day after the test and she said “Well I am very encouraged after seeing this ultrasound – the mass in your pelvic area is GONE and the cysts that were around your ovaries are GONE…..  OMG – HALLELUJAH – do we serve an awesome God or what?   I am still scheduled for a hysterectomy but go in expecting her to look through that laprascopy and say WOW, this is AWESOME and must be GOD!!  The Doctor is a Christian and was very happy for me today.  I am thankful for the prayer I got  and the mustard seed Faith God has blessed me with being activated to OVERCOME –  I continue to be amazed at His tremendous love and thankful for all He has done for us.  

We have had our share of things happening that have gone beyond our understanding – Lost a baby we waited 7 years for at 8 months, but God revealed many things to us in the years after that happened, with a miraculous happening of Elliott being raised from the dead… will share one day !!"

Wow, Grace, share that with us, too!!

"Let God be true, and every man a liar!"   - even the ones with the good intentions and the test results...even ourselves when we speak according to sight and doubt...if their/our words don't line up with the word of God, throw them out!!  If it weren't God, this kind of talk would be foolishness, but it IS God, the One who calls things that aren't as though they are.  HE IS FAITHFUL!  Not just in general, but at whatever point you choose to put your full weight on Him, He is faithful.  'He NEVER forsakes the manwhose trust is in Him.' 

Let's take a moment to worship Him...follow this link:
"You Are Faithful"

Xrays show Tim's hand healed! (8.2010)

7:42 AM Posted by Unknown

All glory to God!!!  Thanks to Michael D for this AWESOME testimony!  

(emphasis mine)
A friend of mine informed me that he had to go to Oklahoma suddenly because his son, who was working at Dry Gulch (Christian summer camp) had crushed his hand while working.
The text messages speak for themselves:
Don: I'm in Oklahoma today. Tim injured his hand yesterday. We'll know today if he needs surgery.
Me: Ok. So sorry about Tim's hand. Tell him that I am praying for him right now that his hand not only not need surgery, but that it be completely heald in Jesus' name.
Don: Thank you. I'll be sure he knows you're praying.
I then stopped and prayed for him that minute.
later that day:
Don: Tim won't need surgery. Xray today showed completely different from yesterday. Dr. was able to set it and put in a cast. Tim said hehasn't had pain.
Me: That is awesome. God is good!
Praise God!

(hopefully you can see the xrays below.  The position of the hand is different in each one.  On the right, the healed bone is the one in the middle.

Janine healed of rheumatoid arthritis (7.8.10)

7:25 PM Posted by Unknown

As many of you know, Kenny has an online healing ministry,  This testimony just came in from the website.  
Glory to You, Jesus!.....This testimony truly glorifies (gives a correct estimation of) Who You are, our Healer!!!!!!

from the website----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Healing Testimony

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 21. I could barely move any of my joints without being in severe pain. I felt like I was a 21 year old in an old woman’s body. The medicine prescribed helped a bit, but ultimately brought on its own set of health problems and risks. Nights when I couldn’t sleep due to being in so much pain I would read the book of Acts. I believed all the stories in Acts, but struggled with my own disbelief that healing could actually happen to me. God truly used Jesus Heals to break my disbelief that I could be healed and broke my mind set of “the healing lottery”. One day I just felt in my heart that I needed to get off all the medication and put all my trust in God. It’s been 8 months medication free and the doctors can’t really explain it, but I know all the glory goes to God. I can now move pain free! Jesus Heals has been used to not only help me grow spiritually, but ultimately opened my eyes to the amazing healing hand of God.
Thank you for this website and for being an amazing tool for God to use. God Bless!
Kenny Winsman

Jesus delivers 2 healthy babies! (7.13.10)

10:04 AM Posted by Unknown

"Yes, you can use my testimony.  I am delighted to be a testament of God’s love and power.  I have two children who are perfectly healthy, they wouldn’t be if I hadn’t given our struggles to God and allowed other people to be in prayer for our family.  I remember when Lillie was born, I actually had prayer warriors across the US and even in other countries! " -Amanda Burris

The above quote is from my sister's friend.  Below is the full testimony, sent from Angie:

Just passing this along to your group. I’ve added some history and condensed other parts for readability:

My friend and co-worker (Amanda Burris) just had her 2nd baby and had major complications in both pregnancies. I don’t know if you ever remember me asking you to pray for Lillie several years ago, but she was born at 20 weeks and spent most of her early years in a hospital. This was a tremendous stress on their family both financially, mentally and travel-wise. However, they stayed strong in the Lord. Miss Lillie is just a precious, vibrant source of life now and is a joy to be around. Amanda just went through her 2ndpregnancy with Eli and it started out just as rough. Please see below (I flipped the emails, so they can be read in order):

From: Taylor, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:19 AM
To: Burris, Amanda
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Oh my goodness…those are great pictures! He is just adorable. Can’t wait to meet him! Hope you are doing well, too! I was also wondering how long you carried Eli. Don’t know if you remembered, but I prayed for you to carry him full term… Just wanted to share with others how Jesus is always at work in our lives!

From: Burris, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:33 AM
To: Taylor, Angie
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Thank you…I think they are pretty darn cute, too!

I am doing well.  Getting back into the swing of things with work and learning to juggle being a family of four now!  And yes, Angie, I remember.  I am very thankful for all of the prayers.  I carried Eli to 36 weeks, 5 days, just two days shy of what the medical world considers full-term!  We have a great Lord and He has and continues to Bless my family in amazing ways.  I’m not sure if you realize just how scary the entire pregnancy was for us.  We thought we lost the pregnancy at 8 weeks, I was in a wreck at 11 weeks, started having contractions at 16 weeks and ended up on modified best rest until I started having contractions again at 29 weeks.  We actually were in the hospital 4 times during the last six weeks of my pregnancy. I truly believe that without so much prayer going up for us, we wouldn’t have made it.  Thank you for loving us enough to be in prayer for our family.  It means the world to us! 


From: Taylor, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:00 AM
To: Burris, Amanda
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Praise the Lord!!! I did know a few of those things…Leah was keeping me updated. I believe it was at 16 weeks, that I prayed for full term…along with many others, I’m sure. It must have been so hard for you, but I’m so thankful that Jesus had you in the palm of His hands…and little Eli too. My sister has a group of people that she shares testimonies with (of how God is working in people’s lives)…do you mind if I pass this praise along?

From: Burris, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:10 AM
To: Taylor, Angie
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Yes, you can use my testimony.  I am delighted to be a testament of God’s love and power.  I have two children who are perfectly healthy, they wouldn’t be if I hadn’t given our struggles to God and allowed other people to be in prayer for our family.  I remember when Lillie was born, I actually had prayer warriors across the US and even in other countries! 

Amanda Burris

Mykal and Maria (7.9.10)

5:59 PM Posted by Unknown

Hello everyone!  Thank you so much for all of your encouraging words.  The blood of the Lamb is powerful when we apply it; Christ is Victor!  His cross was victorious, we've only a glimpse of what He accomplished!!  Let us testify again and again to His goodness and finished work!  We overcome the evil one by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of our testimony.  That's grace AND faith.  Grace (everything He gave and all His promises, independent of our actions or worthiness) accomplishes nothing in our lives without being mixed with faith in action.   (Heb 4)  Likewise, faith alone is empty if it is not rooted SOLELY in and stemming from HIS rightly divided WORD.  There is SOOO much that was accomplished by the blood of the Lamb; forgiveness of sins is the glorious BEGINNING that establishes our reconciliation to Him, our qualification to bear His Name and become indwelt by His Holy Spirit and therefore to BE His body on earth, putting the enemy under our, and therefore His, feet. (Heb 10:13)  A body that, when mobilized by the Head, advances His kingdom of righteousness, peace, and our homes, in our jobs, in our circles, communities...  "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matt 24:14  This leads me to ask:  What are we to be testifying to?  What message of the kingdom did Jesus preach?  How?  With what words?  With what actions?  What testimony did Paul carry?   How did Paul proclaim the gospel?  Is what I'm doing now actually what He said to do?  

But I digress (well, at least in this post...)

Several days ago, Patrick was having tremendous back pain.  When we prayed over the phone, his pain and lack of range of motion changed from a '10' to a '6', and he said that his wife Mykal's hand became hot on his back during prayer.  Little happened during the rest of the prayer on that phone call, but I later got this encouraging testimony, and two more!!:
Okay so his back was worse Tues afternoon and HORRIBLE that night! Kept him up all night. I prayed...
Yesterday he said he prayed some and it seemed to improve over the course of the day. He didn't take any more drugs and actually held Harper and changed Harper's diaper!
This morning he woke up and was able to stretch and sit on the bed and reach down to his toes. He had me cancel his chiropractic appt. for today (even though I think he should still go!).
Praise God! I am hoping he will be back to normal very soon!!
ALSO- Harper has been screaming in the car since birth. SCREAMING. We found at about 3 weeks that if we swaddled him very tight, with legs free for the crotch buckle, he would do better- but usually ended up screaming for some of the trip.
This has limited our family outings. We have bounced his seat, held in the pacifier, and even let him suck on our finger WHILE driving one handed!!
He is 12 week now. We prayed over him as a family last Thursday and he has NOT cried in the car at all since(apart from one gassy tummyache)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, his swaddling blanket got soaked in the rain so I just buckled him in without it and we drove 45 mins home. He just wiggled and squealed in his seat! THEN when we got home, I brought sleeping Alden in, and made about 10 trips for groceries. I left Harper in his seat the whole time and when I finally went to get him out- HE SMILED at me!! THEN I realized he had also been sitting in a poopy diaper this whole time! He was as uncomfortable as he could be...and yet no crying!! WHAT A BLESSING and answer to prayer!!
Lastly- Harper woke up early Wed. morning with a nasty cough and his chest was so congested he was having trouble breathing. I slept with him and kept him somewhat upright because he sounded like he was choking. Off and on all day yesterday he had this nasty cough but didn't have any other symptoms. Seemed fine. I prayed over him several times in the afternoon. When Patrick came home he prayed over him. I have not heard a cough since. He slept most of the night- only waking once to nurse and has been happy all day today!


Wonderful!!!  What an array of areas in which to turn to Jesus and appropriate His grace!  

Also, earlier this week, I was headed to Hobby Lobby (alone!!) and, on the way, asked God if there was anyone in the store who He wanted me to minister to.  An image of a particular shirt flashed in my mind, and through that and two requests for confirmations, He led me to (okay, actually literally bumped into her really, with my cart) a particular lady.  As we left the store at the same time, I gathered the courage to ask her if I could pray for her for anything.  There was a slight language barrier, as she began to tell me something about her rosary and Michael Jackson.  Thankfully, she asked her daughter to translate what I was saying.  I gave her the summary of how God had lead me specifically to her and then asked if she needed prayer for anything, including healing.  (I knew she did...she was limping.)  She was so excited and said 'Yes, yes, it is my daughter Maria...her jaw...let her tell you!  So her other daughter, Maria, rolled down her window and told me that she'd had dental work done 3 months ago and somehow her jaw had become dislocated afterward.  It was painful to do, eat, drink, swallow, touch...  She couldn't open her mouth very far and shooting pain through the right side of her face at any movement or touch.  She was about to fly to Mexico by herself the next day in order to have it fixed...a trip she was fearful about.  We prayed three times.  The first time she could open her mouth a bit more and all the shooting pain left; she said my hand was hot.  Dull pain and low range of movement remained.  The second time, there was no measurable change, but she saw a cross that started small and then grew larger and larger until it became full size and 3-dimensional.  (She drew a picture for me.)  I told her that the vision is probably Jesus confirming to her that what He has begun, He will carry onto completion, to the degree of the fullness of His finished work.  Thank you Jesus!  We talked for awhile, and I learned that they all (Mom, Maria, sis, and sis's fiance') attend The Shepherd's House Church.  I recognized that name because I think it's one of the ones that Pastor prays for during service.  Maria said that her pastor does the same for our church.  Well, by this time we were all pouring with sweat and needed to get going.  I hate to leave before seeing complete healing, so I prayed again in order to thank Jesus for what He's begun and for the complete restoration of her jaw and tissues, kind of sealing His word and will over her.  

By this time I was on a high and approached a lady at HEB on one of those motorized shopping carts.  I'd seen her walk up to it, and she had a limp too.  However, she assured me that she was fine and didn't need prayer...that she is blessed.  Even after I gave her the testimony of what had happened just 5 minutes before!  I cheerfully told her that I was glad that she is blessed and then left her alone, but as I walked away, I said, 'Lord, heal her anyway!!  Let her know there's more!!!'   Sometimes people are longing for prayer and welcome it like water.  Others not so much.  So what.  Ask anyway!

And now, where are you at and where are you going today?  Ask God if He has someone in those places that needs a touch, and ask Him to lead you to them.  He will!  Be bold!!  (And send me the testimony!!)

To God alone and His Son Jesus Christ be the glory forever and ever, amen!!!

Eyes, ears, nose, knees (7.2.10)

5:55 PM Posted by Unknown

4 more!  Hallelujah!  These signs SHALL follow them who BELIEVE!  In Jesus' name, they shall LAY HANDS on the sick, and the sick SHALL recover!!!!  The more people we pray for, the more will be healed, and the MORE GLORY JESUS WILL RECEIVE!!  

Hi Amanda,

I wanted to give you a few testimonies from the last week.

We are officially 3 months with no ear infections for Noah. Praise God!  (Recall, they opted out of the schedule tubes surgery because they believed he'd been healed...indeed!!!)

Last week, my husband got a piece of wood stuck in his eye while at work. It was there all morning and he did not know what he was going to do. His work is not real excited about filing workman's comp. He said when he went to lunch, he prayed about it and it was gone when he got back from his lunch break. Really Awesome! That is the first time he has ever done that so it was really exciting.

Abby has been getting 1-2 nosebleeds a day for the past few months. She had a bad one at her swim team banquet on Tuesday night. We went to the back and prayed for her. It did not immediately stop but that night I received advice on how to prevent them in the future. It has been 3 days and she has not had anymore. It amazes me how these things happen all of the time out of God's love for us. All we have to do is pay attention and notice His work in our lives.

My friend gave me an awesome report last night on her knee.  We'd prayed last month at bunco, with no immediate change in pain.  But I told her to keep believing and expecting change.  She was scheduled to have surgery this month (in a few days I think), but her pain has decreased so much and the knee is no longer 'catching'! (It had been hurting and 'catching' at two times per month, regularly.)  The only ways for her to know for sure if it is healed already are to do an expensive MRI, open up the knee for surgery and see the problem gone (also expensive!), or to postpone the surgery and see if all symptoms remain ceased for another month.  I pray that the Lord confirm her healing to her mind quickly!!!!  God, You are so faithful.  Healing truly is Your children's bread!

Praise God!!  I love that even though we don't know the 'how' or 'when' of our healing, it is a done deal, nonetheless...IF we go to Him for it!  So much provision has already been given in every area of our lives, and it IS made known to us through the Word.  He has truly given us rest.  But, it is possible for even the word of God to profit us nothing if it is not mixed with faith.  (Heb 4)   

It so pleases the Father for us to take Him at His word and depend on Him as children....LITTLE children, for everything!  My children ask me for things constantly!  Nothing is too big or too small.  They seem to have no sense of a 'reasonable' request.  I sometimes find myself wishing they were more independent.  The older they grow, the more acquainted they'll be with the world around them, and they'll be able to interact with it more efficiently on their own.  But that is just the OPPOSITE of what our Father desires of us!!  He wants us to be with Him as little children.  Gullible children.  Needy children.  Children who thrive on our Father's smile, sleep soundly because He is there, who don't even know what doubt is when He speaks to us....who freely partake of every blessing from all that He has is ours. (Luke 15:31)  That very relationship is available right now to each and every one of us!  

1 Thessalonians 2:13 "For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe."  

Believe directly on His word alone!  Seal it in you by acting on it.  It WILL perform its work in you who believe!!!!