Janine healed of rheumatoid arthritis (7.8.10)

7:25 PM Posted by Unknown

As many of you know, Kenny has an online healing ministry, JesusHeals.com.  This testimony just came in from the website.  
Glory to You, Jesus!.....This testimony truly glorifies (gives a correct estimation of) Who You are, our Healer!!!!!!

from the website----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Healing Testimony

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 21. I could barely move any of my joints without being in severe pain. I felt like I was a 21 year old in an old woman’s body. The medicine prescribed helped a bit, but ultimately brought on its own set of health problems and risks. Nights when I couldn’t sleep due to being in so much pain I would read the book of Acts. I believed all the stories in Acts, but struggled with my own disbelief that healing could actually happen to me. God truly used Jesus Heals to break my disbelief that I could be healed and broke my mind set of “the healing lottery”. One day I just felt in my heart that I needed to get off all the medication and put all my trust in God. It’s been 8 months medication free and the doctors can’t really explain it, but I know all the glory goes to God. I can now move pain free! Jesus Heals has been used to not only help me grow spiritually, but ultimately opened my eyes to the amazing healing hand of God.
Thank you for this website and for being an amazing tool for God to use. God Bless!
Kenny Winsman

Jesus delivers 2 healthy babies! (7.13.10)

10:04 AM Posted by Unknown

"Yes, you can use my testimony.  I am delighted to be a testament of God’s love and power.  I have two children who are perfectly healthy, they wouldn’t be if I hadn’t given our struggles to God and allowed other people to be in prayer for our family.  I remember when Lillie was born, I actually had prayer warriors across the US and even in other countries! " -Amanda Burris

The above quote is from my sister's friend.  Below is the full testimony, sent from Angie:

Just passing this along to your group. I’ve added some history and condensed other parts for readability:

My friend and co-worker (Amanda Burris) just had her 2nd baby and had major complications in both pregnancies. I don’t know if you ever remember me asking you to pray for Lillie several years ago, but she was born at 20 weeks and spent most of her early years in a hospital. This was a tremendous stress on their family both financially, mentally and travel-wise. However, they stayed strong in the Lord. Miss Lillie is just a precious, vibrant source of life now and is a joy to be around. Amanda just went through her 2ndpregnancy with Eli and it started out just as rough. Please see below (I flipped the emails, so they can be read in order):

From: Taylor, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:19 AM
To: Burris, Amanda
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Oh my goodness…those are great pictures! He is just adorable. Can’t wait to meet him! Hope you are doing well, too! I was also wondering how long you carried Eli. Don’t know if you remembered, but I prayed for you to carry him full term… Just wanted to share with others how Jesus is always at work in our lives!

From: Burris, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:33 AM
To: Taylor, Angie
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Thank you…I think they are pretty darn cute, too!

I am doing well.  Getting back into the swing of things with work and learning to juggle being a family of four now!  And yes, Angie, I remember.  I am very thankful for all of the prayers.  I carried Eli to 36 weeks, 5 days, just two days shy of what the medical world considers full-term!  We have a great Lord and He has and continues to Bless my family in amazing ways.  I’m not sure if you realize just how scary the entire pregnancy was for us.  We thought we lost the pregnancy at 8 weeks, I was in a wreck at 11 weeks, started having contractions at 16 weeks and ended up on modified best rest until I started having contractions again at 29 weeks.  We actually were in the hospital 4 times during the last six weeks of my pregnancy. I truly believe that without so much prayer going up for us, we wouldn’t have made it.  Thank you for loving us enough to be in prayer for our family.  It means the world to us! 


From: Taylor, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:00 AM
To: Burris, Amanda
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Praise the Lord!!! I did know a few of those things…Leah was keeping me updated. I believe it was at 16 weeks, that I prayed for full term…along with many others, I’m sure. It must have been so hard for you, but I’m so thankful that Jesus had you in the palm of His hands…and little Eli too. My sister has a group of people that she shares testimonies with (of how God is working in people’s lives)…do you mind if I pass this praise along?

From: Burris, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:10 AM
To: Taylor, Angie
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Yes, you can use my testimony.  I am delighted to be a testament of God’s love and power.  I have two children who are perfectly healthy, they wouldn’t be if I hadn’t given our struggles to God and allowed other people to be in prayer for our family.  I remember when Lillie was born, I actually had prayer warriors across the US and even in other countries! 

Amanda Burris

Mykal and Maria (7.9.10)

5:59 PM Posted by Unknown

Hello everyone!  Thank you so much for all of your encouraging words.  The blood of the Lamb is powerful when we apply it; Christ is Victor!  His cross was victorious, we've only a glimpse of what He accomplished!!  Let us testify again and again to His goodness and finished work!  We overcome the evil one by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of our testimony.  That's grace AND faith.  Grace (everything He gave and all His promises, independent of our actions or worthiness) accomplishes nothing in our lives without being mixed with faith in action.   (Heb 4)  Likewise, faith alone is empty if it is not rooted SOLELY in and stemming from HIS rightly divided WORD.  There is SOOO much that was accomplished by the blood of the Lamb; forgiveness of sins is the glorious BEGINNING that establishes our reconciliation to Him, our qualification to bear His Name and become indwelt by His Holy Spirit and therefore to BE His body on earth, putting the enemy under our, and therefore His, feet. (Heb 10:13)  A body that, when mobilized by the Head, advances His kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy...in our homes, in our jobs, in our circles, communities...  "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matt 24:14  This leads me to ask:  What are we to be testifying to?  What message of the kingdom did Jesus preach?  How?  With what words?  With what actions?  What testimony did Paul carry?   How did Paul proclaim the gospel?  Is what I'm doing now actually what He said to do?  

But I digress (well, at least in this post...)

Several days ago, Patrick was having tremendous back pain.  When we prayed over the phone, his pain and lack of range of motion changed from a '10' to a '6', and he said that his wife Mykal's hand became hot on his back during prayer.  Little happened during the rest of the prayer on that phone call, but I later got this encouraging testimony, and two more!!:
Okay so his back was worse Tues afternoon and HORRIBLE that night! Kept him up all night. I prayed...
Yesterday he said he prayed some and it seemed to improve over the course of the day. He didn't take any more drugs and actually held Harper and changed Harper's diaper!
This morning he woke up and was able to stretch and sit on the bed and reach down to his toes. He had me cancel his chiropractic appt. for today (even though I think he should still go!).
Praise God! I am hoping he will be back to normal very soon!!
ALSO- Harper has been screaming in the car since birth. SCREAMING. We found at about 3 weeks that if we swaddled him very tight, with legs free for the crotch buckle, he would do better- but usually ended up screaming for some of the trip.
This has limited our family outings. We have bounced his seat, held in the pacifier, and even let him suck on our finger WHILE driving one handed!!
He is 12 week now. We prayed over him as a family last Thursday and he has NOT cried in the car at all since(apart from one gassy tummyache)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, his swaddling blanket got soaked in the rain so I just buckled him in without it and we drove 45 mins home. He just wiggled and squealed in his seat! THEN when we got home, I brought sleeping Alden in, and made about 10 trips for groceries. I left Harper in his seat the whole time and when I finally went to get him out- HE SMILED at me!! THEN I realized he had also been sitting in a poopy diaper this whole time! He was as uncomfortable as he could be...and yet no crying!! WHAT A BLESSING and answer to prayer!!
Lastly- Harper woke up early Wed. morning with a nasty cough and his chest was so congested he was having trouble breathing. I slept with him and kept him somewhat upright because he sounded like he was choking. Off and on all day yesterday he had this nasty cough but didn't have any other symptoms. Seemed fine. I prayed over him several times in the afternoon. When Patrick came home he prayed over him. I have not heard a cough since. He slept most of the night- only waking once to nurse and has been happy all day today!


Wonderful!!!  What an array of areas in which to turn to Jesus and appropriate His grace!  

Also, earlier this week, I was headed to Hobby Lobby (alone!!) and, on the way, asked God if there was anyone in the store who He wanted me to minister to.  An image of a particular shirt flashed in my mind, and through that and two requests for confirmations, He led me to (okay, actually literally bumped into her twice...no really, with my cart) a particular lady.  As we left the store at the same time, I gathered the courage to ask her if I could pray for her for anything.  There was a slight language barrier, as she began to tell me something about her rosary and Michael Jackson.  Thankfully, she asked her daughter to translate what I was saying.  I gave her the summary of how God had lead me specifically to her and then asked if she needed prayer for anything, including healing.  (I knew she did...she was limping.)  She was so excited and said 'Yes, yes, it is my daughter Maria...her jaw...let her tell you!  So her other daughter, Maria, rolled down her window and told me that she'd had dental work done 3 months ago and somehow her jaw had become dislocated afterward.  It was painful to do anything...talk, eat, drink, swallow, touch...  She couldn't open her mouth very far and shooting pain through the right side of her face at any movement or touch.  She was about to fly to Mexico by herself the next day in order to have it fixed...a trip she was fearful about.  We prayed three times.  The first time she could open her mouth a bit more and all the shooting pain left; she said my hand was hot.  Dull pain and low range of movement remained.  The second time, there was no measurable change, but she saw a cross that started small and then grew larger and larger until it became full size and 3-dimensional.  (She drew a picture for me.)  I told her that the vision is probably Jesus confirming to her that what He has begun, He will carry onto completion, to the degree of the fullness of His finished work.  Thank you Jesus!  We talked for awhile, and I learned that they all (Mom, Maria, sis, and sis's fiance') attend The Shepherd's House Church.  I recognized that name because I think it's one of the ones that Pastor prays for during service.  Maria said that her pastor does the same for our church.  Well, by this time we were all pouring with sweat and needed to get going.  I hate to leave before seeing complete healing, so I prayed again in order to thank Jesus for what He's begun and for the complete restoration of her jaw and tissues, kind of sealing His word and will over her.  

By this time I was on a high and approached a lady at HEB on one of those motorized shopping carts.  I'd seen her walk up to it, and she had a limp too.  However, she assured me that she was fine and didn't need prayer...that she is blessed.  Even after I gave her the testimony of what had happened just 5 minutes before!  I cheerfully told her that I was glad that she is blessed and then left her alone, but as I walked away, I said, 'Lord, heal her anyway!!  Let her know there's more!!!'   Sometimes people are longing for prayer and welcome it like water.  Others not so much.  So what.  Ask anyway!

And now, where are you at and where are you going today?  Ask God if He has someone in those places that needs a touch, and ask Him to lead you to them.  He will!  Be bold!!  (And send me the testimony!!)

To God alone and His Son Jesus Christ be the glory forever and ever, amen!!!

Eyes, ears, nose, knees (7.2.10)

5:55 PM Posted by Unknown

4 more!  Hallelujah!  These signs SHALL follow them who BELIEVE!  In Jesus' name, they shall LAY HANDS on the sick, and the sick SHALL recover!!!!  The more people we pray for, the more will be healed, and the MORE GLORY JESUS WILL RECEIVE!!  

Hi Amanda,

I wanted to give you a few testimonies from the last week.

We are officially 3 months with no ear infections for Noah. Praise God!  (Recall, they opted out of the schedule tubes surgery because they believed he'd been healed...indeed!!!)

Last week, my husband got a piece of wood stuck in his eye while at work. It was there all morning and he did not know what he was going to do. His work is not real excited about filing workman's comp. He said when he went to lunch, he prayed about it and it was gone when he got back from his lunch break. Really Awesome! That is the first time he has ever done that so it was really exciting.

Abby has been getting 1-2 nosebleeds a day for the past few months. She had a bad one at her swim team banquet on Tuesday night. We went to the back and prayed for her. It did not immediately stop but that night I received advice on how to prevent them in the future. It has been 3 days and she has not had anymore. It amazes me how these things happen all of the time out of God's love for us. All we have to do is pay attention and notice His work in our lives.

My friend gave me an awesome report last night on her knee.  We'd prayed last month at bunco, with no immediate change in pain.  But I told her to keep believing and expecting change.  She was scheduled to have surgery this month (in a few days I think), but her pain has decreased so much and the knee is no longer 'catching'! (It had been hurting and 'catching' at two times per month, regularly.)  The only ways for her to know for sure if it is healed already are to do an expensive MRI, open up the knee for surgery and see the problem gone (also expensive!), or to postpone the surgery and see if all symptoms remain ceased for another month.  I pray that the Lord confirm her healing to her mind quickly!!!!  God, You are so faithful.  Healing truly is Your children's bread!

Praise God!!  I love that even though we don't know the 'how' or 'when' of our healing, it is a done deal, nonetheless...IF we go to Him for it!  So much provision has already been given in every area of our lives, and it IS made known to us through the Word.  He has truly given us rest.  But, it is possible for even the word of God to profit us nothing if it is not mixed with faith.  (Heb 4)   

It so pleases the Father for us to take Him at His word and depend on Him as children....LITTLE children, for everything!  My children ask me for things constantly!  Nothing is too big or too small.  They seem to have no sense of a 'reasonable' request.  I sometimes find myself wishing they were more independent.  The older they grow, the more acquainted they'll be with the world around them, and they'll be able to interact with it more efficiently on their own.  But that is just the OPPOSITE of what our Father desires of us!!  He wants us to be with Him as little children.  Gullible children.  Needy children.  Children who thrive on our Father's smile, sleep soundly because He is there, who don't even know what doubt is when He speaks to us....who freely partake of every blessing from Him...like all that He has is ours. (Luke 15:31)  That very relationship is available right now to each and every one of us!  

1 Thessalonians 2:13 "For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe."  

Believe directly on His word alone!  Seal it in you by acting on it.  It WILL perform its work in you who believe!!!!

At least believe because of the miracles, prayer (6.21.10)

5:52 PM Posted by Unknown

From Jan - 

"I just learned that a colleague and friend of mine from Rice whose name is Jen has 3 suspicious breast masses and the radiologist says an 80% likelihood of cancer. Jen's mother died of ovarian cancer and she is terrified. To add to it, her only son (17) has Asperger's syndrome and is very dependent on her. She also has a very troubled marriage. Jen is Jewish and I have been showing her the love of Jesus for several years now. I know that He wants her to come to know Him and these just may be the necessary circumstances. Please send this request out, Amanda, and let's watch in amazement as God does another mighty act!
Jen will have a biopsy on Tuesday and an MRI on Wednesday."

Jews were brought to Jesus when they recognized Him as Messiah, as the one they were waiting on.  That recognition came when Jesus healed and when His gospel was presented in its power.  

Matthew 11 says,
 "2When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples 3to ask him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?"
 4Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy[b]are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor." 

And then in 1st Corinthians 2, 
 "1When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.[a] 2For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. 4My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, 5so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." 

And John 14:11, "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; orat least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.

In the same way, Jen be healed in Jesus' name!  Let those masses drop off, and with each one of them an echo resounding 'JESUS, JESUS, JESUS is healing me!!'  I bind a spirit of fear and unbelief and the familiar spirits of cancer, infirmity, death, and decay.  Holy Spirit, You have watched and waited for this one, Jen, longing to gather her.  Show her that!  Let her eyes be opened to her Savior, and let her run into Him and be filled with Your Presence, Your comfort, and Your truth!  Glorify Thy Name, oh Holy One of Israel!!!!! 
Amen! (Let it be so!)