Knees, allergies, feet, back, eyes (10.26.10)
I have several new testimonies for you, starting with these two:
We had a visitor at life group last week (Ruby) who'd had knee pain and popping for a while that doctors could not help her with. Both knees had pain completely and quickly go during prayer, and the popping decreased so much that she could barely still sense it. Her rating of it was from a 8 to a 1. (On a scale of 10, based on her perceived level.) She left in faith that it would cease completely. Thank You, Jesus!
We also prayed for Malik's allergies. They were severe enough to cause sinus infections and hives, and the medicine he'd been on was created worse side-effects, so his parents took him off of it. Joann told me today that he's been allergy-free (no hives, no sinus stuff) since that night. Praise God!
Preface to these next testimonies:
Mark 4:17 says that trouble comes because of the word. Apparently the enemy knows when life-giving seeds have been sown and brings trouble in order to make the recipient doubt that word and give up. He knows that the victory that overcomes the world is our faith. (1 John 5) His highest (and only) hope in the midst of his deception is that we won't know or acknowledge Christ and that which He has freely given us...he hopes that we will not recognize him in a situation...he hopes that we don't call him on it and squash his attempts with the very word he attempts to steal. I feel a heads up is needed, and let me explain why...
Nearly every time we send out a testimony, a very similar trouble arises. Call it an attack , a lying symptom, a lie...whatever, it's a trouble. I have some new testimonies to share with you, and this time I'm going to case them in the things that accompany them because I want you to pick up on this. I'll put the new testimonies in bold so that you'll recognize them easily:
Last week, you received a testimony about Kevin's left foot being healed. Well, just before his foot became swollen and painful (for no apparent reason), he'd prayed for his wife's left foot for a different type of injury. The day after I sent the testimony of Kevin's healing, I woke up with a random bruise on the top of my left foot, and I was unable to walk on it without limping. Furious, I quickly rebuked that pain or lying symptom or whatever, and I was immediately able to walk on it without pain. I shared this testimony at life group, and the next day recognized a tinge of that pain. Well, I've let that go for a while, but it just occurred to me that a tinge of pain is unacceptable. It's not welcome. It can only stay if I do nothing, so I've just stopped to pray over that, and it isnow completely gone.
Also last week, Mykal gave her testimony of being healed after 5 years of pain. Fifteen minutes after she hit send, her back began to spasm and was so painful that she had trouble tending to her little ones. She recognized what was going on and asked for prayer. A couple of friends emailed their prayers, and she said that she could feel the pain decrease while she read them outloud and while her little girl prayed. She was about 50% better at that update and is almost normal now.
Yesterday (Sunday), Lacey had something wrong with her eyes. She described it as her vision being cut in two, so she was seeing things in pieces. We prayed, and her vision was restored immediately. Today our son Cole had a vision screening at school. He's never complained about his eyes, but he said that he failed the test in his left eye. Both he and his friends said that he couldn't count fingers correctly with his right eye covered. I didn't believe him, so I tested him. Sure enough, from about 3 feet away, he was miscounting my fingers and complaining of blurriness. I also noticed that when he covered his right eye, his left pupil dilated very big very quickly. I didn't know if this was normal when you covered one eye, so I had him cover the left eye, and his right one eventually dilated very slightly. Tried the left again, and again it dilated very big very quickly. "Oh, I don't think so! (accompanied by a neck swivel and pointed finger, which I promptly laid on his eye...) In the name of Jesus, eye, you are whole! You have 20/20 oversensitivity, no undersensitivity, etc... Be healed in the name of Jesus!" And he was. Just like that. I watched the pupil go back down, and he said it wasn't blurry anymore. I tested him by having him name a tiny variable I had written on the gridboard there in my classroom, probably 8 to 10 feet away. He said, "y". I said, "You're healed." Thank You Lord, my babies are in Your hands!
Do not doubt your healing. Do not doubt any benefit or promise of the Lord. Do not doubt His words of encouragement over you, in whatever area they are. Jesus overcame, and He is King. God is good, and He's your Daddy. He has a purpose He's set over you, and nothing can sway it as long as you only get your information from His voice, not from the liar who incites unbelief.
Whatever He's speaking to you, set it before you in stone. Keep it before your eyes. Keep Him, His fresh word to you, and the awareness of His faithfulness right before your eyes. Because trouble will come because of that word. Expect it, ...and use that very word to crush it. Resist the enemy, and he WILL flee.
And now, you'll better understand this next prayer request... We testified of Johnny's boss's tests coming out with no trace of cancer. Well they did more tests on a different area, and now they're saying otherwise. It is of utmost importance that we shed the light of Jesus on that report right now. The fear and doubt and disappointment that probably just raised it's head must be extinguished right now. Where is Jesus in this? ...the One whose stripes healed this man so long ago. He's at the right hand of God making intercession for him. He's doing what He said He would do. He said ANYTHING we ask the Father in His name would be done. "Father, in the name of Jesus we ask for any cancer and it's effects to be swept away like trash caught in rapids. And now we command all tests to line up the will of God, in Jesus' name. Because the Son only did what He saw the Father do, and He only said what He heard His Father say, and His words are "I am willing, be healed." Amen, Lord. Because YOU have said it."