The List: Migraines, teeth, Market Street, pink eye (3.11.10)

10:54 AM Posted by Unknown

All because of Jesus:

Sunday, Feb 21:

Our son with dental problems (born with no enamel) said his cap was loose (recall that a word was given on 2/20 at the healing school thru Will (Hart   that God was 'filling cavities and building a bridge', which I claimed for Cole in CA).  On Tuesday at the dentist, x-rays showed that the cap was loose because the new tooth was coming in!  While his mouth was open, the dentist ‘noticed’ that the spacer (bridge) that they’d just put in on the other side of his mouth a few months ago could come out because that new tooth was coming in too…3 years early!!!!  God was 'building bridges':)  Since then Cole has lost his capped tooth and we can see both new teeth already.  We are also claiming that any cavities are being filled.

Monday, Feb 22:

My friend/co-worker was suffering a migraine which normally lasts up to 3 days and requires meds that completely knock her my other friend and I prayed for her, she initially felt about a 30% decrease in pain (10 down to 7), so we continued until she was healed 100%.  While we prayed, I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit as my arms and especially my thumbs were vibrating, so much so that I removed them from her so not to distract her.  This was new for me.  The following Monday she had another migraine which did not leave as quickly as we prayed.   I explained to her that just because nothing changed immediately didn’t mean she wasn’t supposed to be healed, that she could just press in and keep believing the word and take authority over the migraine until it left.   I also told her that no one, including God, would think anything if she wanted to take her medicine and go home (which is what she used to have to do).  She is new to healing but said that she wanted to fight it, so I left her to herself in a dark room.  In about an hour, she came out feeling much better and continued to be better throughout the day.

*I want to note here that her healing was sure regardless of the time it took for it to occur.  If I’d not been there an hour later, I would never have known about how her healing manifested.  I note this because I have many many times where I get to pray with someone but don’t get to see what happens in the coming hour or days.  Therefore, I put ‘tbc’…to be continued at the end of the testimony.   I’ll fill in those blanks as the full testimonies come in.

Tuesday, Feb 23:

I’ve already given you Cole’s tooth account from this day.  Later that night was when my neighbor and I prayed for her brother-in-law Larry in Vermont , who was healed probably that same hour and sent out of ICU.  *This is another great example of the above note because I didn’t hear this testimony until a week later!  If you haven’t heard this story yet of Larry’s black toes and the impending amputation of his legs, of his family deciding to stop all procedures and wait for him to die and how his legs were restored and him taken to a regular room because he started doing so well…well, ask me for the word doc on it.  It’s awesome!

Wednesday, Feb 24:

A child at school was sent home b/c of throwing up.  Prayed for him as he was leaving and later received a video from mom of him playing as if nothing was wrong.

Thursday, Feb 25:

My son at home, prayed and nausea left;

Friday, Feb 26:

Stroke/fall victim Janet (friend from church) had immediate increase of range in her right arm after prayer...I had to stop though because the nurses there at the rehab center were waiting to continue therapy session.  I wish I’d been able to follow that through for a while.

Saturday, Feb 27

Melinda, currently homeless but has job at GoodWill, prayed for her new home, etc...she was just extremely blessed and refreshed (tbc);

Janet was asleep today, so I just anointed her bed and pillow and prayed with Mrs. Hacket across the hall...she wanted to be able to 'do' for herself, was very discouraged & faithless, but by the end of the time I had seen a slight but visible lift in her spirit (tbc);

Sunday, Feb 28

Robert at church, tendonitis, pain, recovery from knee surgery...under meds during prayer so no measurable change, but felt peace...I also saw it in his body. (tbc)

Later same day I wanted to go minister to someone, so I prayed in my home for where to 'market'(to me, Market Street in the Woodlands) and an image of person on crutches with their right leg hurt in front of Swoozie’s. My friend Pam and I prayed for a lady with a cane (in front of Swoozies) who said she falls...she was reluctant to let me pray, but finally agreed and her pain decreased from 10 to 8.  She said she had to keep walking, though, so tbc;

Still at Market Street , we continued on to HEB looking for crutches...a bread loaf fell in the floor in front of me, we waited, started to go, and bread fell off behind me.  We waited there a bit and then my pinky toes went numb.  I checked them but nothing was wrong, so I knew it wasn’t my pain.  Pam went to encourage a lady that she was drawn to, and a girl started restocking in same section of bread where the loaves had fallen.  We started looking for missing toes, corrective shoes, etc, and I end up being drawn back to the restocking girl (Maranda), despite her normal looking feet.  I told her why I was there (bread, feet), and she said that nothing was wrong with her feet but that she wanted prayer for stress…she had too much on her plate.  She was so longing for encouragement and just received everything...was so excited and refreshed and blessed. We continued to look for feet because my toes were still numb.  We ran into Maranda on other aisle & she said, 'I didn't tell you before, but my feet WERE hurting, and now they are not.'  She was so amazed that I had prayed for her and went on about how she could never be bold and pray like us, so we lined her out about who she is in Christ, and Pam prayed for her for boldness and confidence in Jesus, etc;   We went on to the checkout  to purchase a couple of things, and there stood a basket, empty of everything except… a pair of crutches:) Hmmm.  It was like God was saying, ‘you heard Me correctly on where to go but missed the crutches part.  But just so you’ll know I’m in this…here’s your crutches.’;

On the way out we tried to pray for Andy, a greeter who is deaf, but he said it was too hard for God, that God made him this way, that he was happy.  We told him otherwise and that I’d just seen God open a lady’s ears the week before, but he still wouldn’t have it, so we mainly just loved him and made a friend.  (Well, I prayed while he wasn't looking.)(tbc);

Monday, March 1 (co-worker’s 2nd migraine, testimony above)

Tuesday, March 2

Neighbor Maureen’s testimony of bro-in-law Larry came this day (if you haven’t heard it, let me know….awesome!) (still praying for complete kidney health, among other things…tbc)

 Lowe’s testimony (This is another that was so divine I had to email it in a word doc…if you haven’t heard it, let me know!) (tbc)

Wednesday, March 3

At school, my friend’s baby had a double ear infection (was on antibiotics). He not only let me put my hands on his ears, but when I did, he locked eyes and just started gravitating closer to me and letting the weight of his head go into my hands as I prayed. It was a very short, quiet, sweet moment.  Mom said, 'Wow, did you feel that? When you prayed, the atmosphere changed.' I told her no, but that that was encouraging to me...the word works whether there's an accompanying feeling or not. Asked her how we was doing a week later, and he was fine.

Thursday, March 4

At HEB, I went in for plants which were right at the door, but I'd asked God who He wanted to touch, so I had to go thru the store! I remembered I needed potatoes, so I took the long route. No need to though, because right by the potatoes was a woman who hobbled with a stiff leg, like maybe there was a brace under her pants.  I waited a bit and watched her and her friend, and then approached, simply saying, 'I see you're limping, can I pray for you?'  She (RoseMarie) was overjoyed!  She'd just had knee surgery and was so thrilled!  Both women were.  They were really loud and so amazed at God sending her someone to pray for her.  The friend said, 'Oh, we LOVE the Lord, yes, please pray!'  So I started to pray and noticed she had chills.  Well, chills are easy to get, but when I started praying she started shaking.  I felt nothing.  I didn't check her for improvement...not sure why not, wish I had. (tbc)

Later at that night at bunco, after everyone else had left, my friend Kim and I prayed for another friend to completely recover from a recent surgery for sciatica(?).   She wasn’t feeling any pain at the time, there was no way to measure progress. (tbc)

Friday, March 5

Life group, our house, powerful worship and prayer, which we'd been having since New Year's Day.  We ended up at Kroger after midnight, 3 different people ministered to, to speak of...(1) Vince was a kid at the Redbox with a giant tattoo of a spider(?) under his neck...My husband prayed with him.  Turns out he had cerebral palsy and was very receptive to prayer.  I was watching and could tell by the guy's stance that he honored God but was away from Him (tbc); (2) Timothy (policeman) wanted prayer for his mom and dad and whole family, mainly for sickness and injuries (tbc); and (3) Michael was a young guy dealing with 'stuff' friend Chuck was the one talking to him. The initially reluctant Michael had poured out alot over about 30 minutes of time, and I received a text from Chuck saying that Michael is hungry, might go to church (that’s not our goal, just what came about in conversation), and wants to talk to someone (maybe him) about all kinds of things. (tbc)

Saturday, March 6

Prayed for an internet request from my friend Kenny’s healing website (Jesusheals.COM)…Donald has been suffering heart blockage and atrial fibralation, stomach ulcers, knee pain, lung issues, and other smaller problems for 10 years. (tbc)

Sunday, March 7

Another online request, Marta had pain in her hands, feet, and shoulders.  (tbc)

Monday, March 8

Cole made his eye very red the night before from rubbing it.  We’d prayed, and he woke with the eye still very red.  Johnny and I prayed more before school and Cole said, ‘Okay, Mom, it will be fine before we get to school.’  That was a rhema word to me (‘faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the rhema word of God’), and my mind changed immediately from trying to get his eye healed to just being excited that we would have an eye victory today!  A few miles down the road I checked it, and it was almost completely white again.  It did get a bit more pink during the school day, probably because he would rub it.  Glad to get him home so we could spend more time speaking truth and healing over it… By morning it was almost normal.

Prayed for Kim H at her home…she’s bed-ridden with brain cancer and broken hips.  Many people are with her constantly and praying for her…PTL she will be completely restored soon in Jesus’ name!!!! (tbc)

Tuesday, March 9

(background – last week I was worshipping one morning and got a picture of myself going to the door of a certain house on our street and asking if anyone needed prayer.  In the image, a woman answered the door; she and her husband were fine, but there was a third, older person laying inside who needed prayer immediately.  In response to this image, I went to the door that day and asked if anyone needed prayer…the man who answered said that he and his wife were fine, that she was on her way to pick up her elderly aunt who was coming to live with them.)  Today an elderly woman was walking in front of the house while we were in the yard; I figured it was the aunt and was correct.   I said something about what a beautiful day it was for a walk; she agreed but said that her toe was hurting from a sore.  She was very grateful for prayer.  We talked for a while, and I look forward to seeing more of her.

Later that evening I sent the Larry and Lowes testimonies to a friend.  ‘Turns out’ it was timely.  She had some things she needed prayer for, and as soon as I started praying for her, the Holy Spirit’s presence was tangible.  He showed me exactly how to encourage her and how to pray, as well as some things that He’s leading her into.  When I emailed her again, much of what He’d showed me He had already showed her, and so my email was confirmation.

Wednesday, March 10

Friend at school was able to minister to two other people because she had consciously decided to be more aware of how God wanted to use her wherever she went daily.  (Thank you for those testimonies!  If you’ll write them out, I’ll send them on the next update!)

Prayed for little girl in the nursery who had a fever.  When I checked her later, she was cool and walking around, but she’d also been given medicine.  (tbc)


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