Chuck's leg healed, and others (6.1.10)

6:28 AM Posted by Unknown

Praise God, we had lots of aches and pains gone this week (Paddy's back, Jaime's abdomen, Stormy's head...more that I can't remember)...some immediate, one we prayed through for an hour before breakthrough. There are probably many that we probably could have had breakthrough in if we had persevered as with that one... We also have many long distance more 'major' sicknesses that we will have to wait and see on.  We actually had our dog healed also!  Bodie used to cough like he was hacking up a lung, and he would just fall over whenever he would get too excited.  Johnny and I and Pastor Dale (who'd just had his dog healed also!) prayed for him...and Bodie doesn't do any of that anymore!  God said if two of us agree on anything, it will be done...He loves to bless us!  (Yes, I know dogs aren't under the blood covenant...)

Keep sending your testimonies...if you trusted God for your headache or allergies...anything, please let us hear about it!  Check out this awesome testimony from Chuck and Becky...!

Here's a testimony from me of a healing last Saturday evening.
I was out at our pool and I stepped off the edge accidently, falling on the edge of the pool, hitting just below my hip on the side of my leg.  Immmediate severe swelling occured with a small amount of pain.  After 30 minutes of just resting in a chair, I found that I could not lift and move the leg at all.  I could not walk or put any weight on it.  I decided I better go to the emergency room.  I now needed the help of my wife Becky and another friend Denise to even get up out of the chair and into the car.  After just a couple steps being totally supported by them both, using them as crutches, I totally passed out for 15 seconds from the pain.  After coming to and stabilizing on the patio several minutes, Becky and Denise laid hands on the leg and prayed.  We then got into the car and left for the emergency room.  Half way there I moved my leg for some reason and noticed no pain.  I moved it again in a way I definitely could not do before and still no pain.  I continued testing it as we got closer to the emergency room.  Upon arriving and parking, I got out of the car by myself, put my full weight on the leg and walked around, with no pain!  We called it healed at this point, left, and went out to dinner!!!!  Following that Saturday, my leg still has a lot of bruising from hip to knee, but no pain, and full motion and use.  It was a miraculous healing!
Friends, this is must 'hear':

Being Aware of His Presence, Bill Johnson

10 minutes...Watch This!!!!  (Before you read my lengthy discourse below:)

Weeks ago at the DiMichele's we were praying for two people, one suffering from an aneurism (sp?) in a hospital room, and another suffering from a myriad of emotional/spiritual problems in a hotel room.  We prayed that whoever was there, in that hospital and hotel, who hears God's voice and knows how to minister healing and deliverance, would hear and do so.  As we prayed that, I sensed that the Lord was showing us what He's doing right now in our time.  (This was just a glimpse of people 'stationed' in these two places that simply heard His voice to go minister to these ones in their vicinity.  That's all I saw, but as I thought about it, there's more...)  It is that the church that He is awakening currently is being put into position (like an underground matrix), specifically in every establishment in America, a minimum of one anointed person in every establishment who will listen to His voice, act on His word, and bring about His will in power as required per activity in each place...this is for the purpose of rescue and restoration.  He is aligning kingdom resources and personnel so that when America sees the brunt of its reaping of rebellion sown throughout its life, the harvesters will be in the field...children of deep roots who will be divinely protected (Ps 91) and capable of receiving and distributing supernatural first-aid and provision to the weary.  (from scripture - faith seed having grown into the tree that provides shelter, the well-watered spring overflowing to the many...)  But for now, hearing His voice to go pray for the man with the aneurism and the broken-hearted lost one. 

(The above paragraph was what God showed me...everything below is just my elaboration)
This is why we must begin now to see ourselves truly as ambassadors of another kingdom, to live FROM God rather than FOR Him.  I do think that America will soon be not what we've known, and I do believe that as a nation, it has stepped out from under God's umbrella, because it's lost it's first love and has sown to the flesh.  However, God knows how to save even one from the many, and right now is the time to recognize how that will happen.  Lot had to listen.  Noah had to listen.  They had to, even before the rains came, do that which was uncomfortable and even unreasonable.  They had to recognize the time they were in and let God deliver them in His own way...and it required something on their part.  It required something on their part!  He did not, in His sovereignty, scoop them out of their normal day to day, they had to act on faith.  Friends, we cannot live our clean lives and wait on the rapture.  We must transfer our weight from the natural to the supernatural in every area.  Every decision and action must be from a revelation from the Father, not from what works for others, what we've always done, or even from other's revelations.  Our natural resources are slipping away, and God has an abundant supply for those who will receive by faith from His hand.  

Provision will not come from a shift in politics.  Seek first His kingdom (the one Jesus brought with is here, in you; do you operate in it?) and His righteousness (that given to you by faith)...your resources are in that kingdom...all needs are met in that kingdom.  Our lives must be solely in Christ and in His finished work.  We must minister to others like Paul did, out of the power that comes from His resurrection.  When Christ (not goodness, not Christianity, not Christian activities, not Christian values...)...when Christ is lifted up, He draws all men unto Himself.  

We must see ourselves as strategically positioned ambassadors of His will and purpose wherever we are...  There is not one problem that comes into our or others' lives that God has not previously provided a solution to.  Not one.  And when those problems and fears arise, we must do as Peter and John did...recognize what we have (according to the riches in heaven) and give it away.  

The promises of God are real substance that can be appropriated.  How?  By faith.  There is the unseen, then there isfaith in action, and then there is the seen.  In that order.  Yes, you will look fanatical, and you're gonna have to get over that.  We've only begun this new life, and it is definitely an 'adjustment' to say the least.  But I see how it's supposed to be, what's possible, and though we've only walked in an nth of it personally, it's so wonderful that there's no turning back.  These help: "In any given moment, be more aware of Christ than of yourself." and "It's easy to say 'no' (in this case, to fear of failure and fear of people's perception) when you recognize a bigger 'yes'."  So one of the greatest pursuits for us now is of the Father Himself, to know Him and to be able to recognize His tangible Presence and the indescribable peace and glory of Him.  It's easier to present what and Who we're aware of.  This is what it's all about.  



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