weight loss, foot healed, OCD (fear) gone, more (10.18.10)

8:36 PM Posted by Unknown

We have a small group of friends that we are very close with, like family.  We eat together, worship together, pray together, and help each other.  Whenever we see one another, if one of us has a need of any kind, we all (whoever of us is present), lay hands on that person and pray in faith over that person.  We honor Christ in one another, recognizing Him among us.  We are able to receive ministry from one another because we have made an effort to become more familiar with Christ in each other than with each other's natural man.  

Sunday a week ago, Destiny stopped a few of us after church and asked us to pray for miraculous weight loss for her...specifically 60 pounds.  (We'd all heard numerous testimonies of miraculous weight loss.)  So we laid hands on her and asked Daddy for the weight to come off swiftly.  Wow!  on Thursday I received this from Destiny:

"Hello my peeps!  Sunday 10/10/10, I felt led to get prayer for supernatural weight loss.  I've been praying for this for a while and felt led to get my peeps to lay hands on me too. ... Well, PRAISE THE LORD, since Sunday, I have been steady losing 1-3 pounds every day.  I've lost a total of 7 lbs since Sunday!!!  Without trying!  Without working out!  So thank you for your faith and being here for me!!!  I love youz guyz!!

7 down.  53 to go!  I am believing for this continued complete miracle!  I believe in miracles!  I receive my miracle of 60 lbs supernatural weightloss!!  Thank You Jesus!!!!  You are so good!

The last I spoke with her, this last Sunday (10.17.10), she'd lost 10.  That's 10 pounds lost in one week without trying!  Isn't it wonderful to not be able to credit man at all, but to receive straight from Daddy God's hand like a child!  
Another of our group had been having tremendous foot pain for about 3 days.  It began just itching randomly and quickly became very swollen and painful.  He was unable to bend his toes or put pressure of any kind on the foot. The foot could not bear his weight because of the pain, and he'd been on crutches for these days.  Here is his testimony that he sent to his family, (hoping to sway their beliefs on healing):

"We stopped our friend's house on the way home last night. We all prayed for my foot. Within 10 minutes the swelling had gone down by half and the pain had gone away to the point that I can stand on it and walk normally. It is still swollen and I have discomfort in my upper foot, but I know that will be gone today.  GOD is Good!!
Kevin "
(He could also bend his toes after those minutes of prayer.)

We've all had plenty of long distance prayers answered, and it is great to have others praying over a situation, but this should never replace actually laying hands on one another for healing or any other need.  I have to continue to remind myself of this because it's so easy to just agree to pray rather than actually pray with a person...I'm sure the reason it feels that way at the moment has something to do with our enemy, who is fully aware of what happens when we pray as our Lord instructed us to in His word!  

Other progress in the past few weeks that occurred during the time of hands-on prayer... All glory to God!! Some of this healing was complete, some healing increased after prayer, some the relief came during prayer but pain returned afterward, and we are still praying for insights into these reoccurring things:
  • deliverance from extreme OCD, spirit of fear/anxiety (R.M.)
  • pain relief in right arm (A.T.)
  • headache, stress relief (J.R.)
  • vomiting ceased...in the individual and did not spread to family members (C.C.)
Please send me your testimonies!


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