Eyes, ears, nose, knees (7.2.10)

5:55 PM Posted by Unknown

4 more!  Hallelujah!  These signs SHALL follow them who BELIEVE!  In Jesus' name, they shall LAY HANDS on the sick, and the sick SHALL recover!!!!  The more people we pray for, the more will be healed, and the MORE GLORY JESUS WILL RECEIVE!!  

Hi Amanda,

I wanted to give you a few testimonies from the last week.

We are officially 3 months with no ear infections for Noah. Praise God!  (Recall, they opted out of the schedule tubes surgery because they believed he'd been healed...indeed!!!)

Last week, my husband got a piece of wood stuck in his eye while at work. It was there all morning and he did not know what he was going to do. His work is not real excited about filing workman's comp. He said when he went to lunch, he prayed about it and it was gone when he got back from his lunch break. Really Awesome! That is the first time he has ever done that so it was really exciting.

Abby has been getting 1-2 nosebleeds a day for the past few months. She had a bad one at her swim team banquet on Tuesday night. We went to the back and prayed for her. It did not immediately stop but that night I received advice on how to prevent them in the future. It has been 3 days and she has not had anymore. It amazes me how these things happen all of the time out of God's love for us. All we have to do is pay attention and notice His work in our lives.

My friend gave me an awesome report last night on her knee.  We'd prayed last month at bunco, with no immediate change in pain.  But I told her to keep believing and expecting change.  She was scheduled to have surgery this month (in a few days I think), but her pain has decreased so much and the knee is no longer 'catching'! (It had been hurting and 'catching' at two times per month, regularly.)  The only ways for her to know for sure if it is healed already are to do an expensive MRI, open up the knee for surgery and see the problem gone (also expensive!), or to postpone the surgery and see if all symptoms remain ceased for another month.  I pray that the Lord confirm her healing to her mind quickly!!!!  God, You are so faithful.  Healing truly is Your children's bread!

Praise God!!  I love that even though we don't know the 'how' or 'when' of our healing, it is a done deal, nonetheless...IF we go to Him for it!  So much provision has already been given in every area of our lives, and it IS made known to us through the Word.  He has truly given us rest.  But, it is possible for even the word of God to profit us nothing if it is not mixed with faith.  (Heb 4)   

It so pleases the Father for us to take Him at His word and depend on Him as children....LITTLE children, for everything!  My children ask me for things constantly!  Nothing is too big or too small.  They seem to have no sense of a 'reasonable' request.  I sometimes find myself wishing they were more independent.  The older they grow, the more acquainted they'll be with the world around them, and they'll be able to interact with it more efficiently on their own.  But that is just the OPPOSITE of what our Father desires of us!!  He wants us to be with Him as little children.  Gullible children.  Needy children.  Children who thrive on our Father's smile, sleep soundly because He is there, who don't even know what doubt is when He speaks to us....who freely partake of every blessing from Him...like all that He has is ours. (Luke 15:31)  That very relationship is available right now to each and every one of us!  

1 Thessalonians 2:13 "For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe."  

Believe directly on His word alone!  Seal it in you by acting on it.  It WILL perform its work in you who believe!!!!


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