Jesus delivers 2 healthy babies! (7.13.10)

10:04 AM Posted by Unknown

"Yes, you can use my testimony.  I am delighted to be a testament of God’s love and power.  I have two children who are perfectly healthy, they wouldn’t be if I hadn’t given our struggles to God and allowed other people to be in prayer for our family.  I remember when Lillie was born, I actually had prayer warriors across the US and even in other countries! " -Amanda Burris

The above quote is from my sister's friend.  Below is the full testimony, sent from Angie:

Just passing this along to your group. I’ve added some history and condensed other parts for readability:

My friend and co-worker (Amanda Burris) just had her 2nd baby and had major complications in both pregnancies. I don’t know if you ever remember me asking you to pray for Lillie several years ago, but she was born at 20 weeks and spent most of her early years in a hospital. This was a tremendous stress on their family both financially, mentally and travel-wise. However, they stayed strong in the Lord. Miss Lillie is just a precious, vibrant source of life now and is a joy to be around. Amanda just went through her 2ndpregnancy with Eli and it started out just as rough. Please see below (I flipped the emails, so they can be read in order):

From: Taylor, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:19 AM
To: Burris, Amanda
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Oh my goodness…those are great pictures! He is just adorable. Can’t wait to meet him! Hope you are doing well, too! I was also wondering how long you carried Eli. Don’t know if you remembered, but I prayed for you to carry him full term… Just wanted to share with others how Jesus is always at work in our lives!

From: Burris, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:33 AM
To: Taylor, Angie
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Thank you…I think they are pretty darn cute, too!

I am doing well.  Getting back into the swing of things with work and learning to juggle being a family of four now!  And yes, Angie, I remember.  I am very thankful for all of the prayers.  I carried Eli to 36 weeks, 5 days, just two days shy of what the medical world considers full-term!  We have a great Lord and He has and continues to Bless my family in amazing ways.  I’m not sure if you realize just how scary the entire pregnancy was for us.  We thought we lost the pregnancy at 8 weeks, I was in a wreck at 11 weeks, started having contractions at 16 weeks and ended up on modified best rest until I started having contractions again at 29 weeks.  We actually were in the hospital 4 times during the last six weeks of my pregnancy. I truly believe that without so much prayer going up for us, we wouldn’t have made it.  Thank you for loving us enough to be in prayer for our family.  It means the world to us! 


From: Taylor, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:00 AM
To: Burris, Amanda
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Praise the Lord!!! I did know a few of those things…Leah was keeping me updated. I believe it was at 16 weeks, that I prayed for full term…along with many others, I’m sure. It must have been so hard for you, but I’m so thankful that Jesus had you in the palm of His hands…and little Eli too. My sister has a group of people that she shares testimonies with (of how God is working in people’s lives)…do you mind if I pass this praise along?

From: Burris, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:10 AM
To: Taylor, Angie
Subject: RE: Eli Damon Burris

Yes, you can use my testimony.  I am delighted to be a testament of God’s love and power.  I have two children who are perfectly healthy, they wouldn’t be if I hadn’t given our struggles to God and allowed other people to be in prayer for our family.  I remember when Lillie was born, I actually had prayer warriors across the US and even in other countries! 

Amanda Burris


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