5 testimonies - stomachs, ankle, knee, teeth (5.12.10)

11:46 AM Posted by Unknown

From Kenny - 

Kenny Jr. began throwing up last week and had pain in his stomach and lower back. He went to the emergency room dehydrated and they told him all of those symptoms sounded like a kidney stone or gall stone. He didn't call me all day and not until he was in the ER some time. I prayed in the Spirit and in my understanding for his complete healing regardless of what the issue was. Within an hour the pain left in his stomach and back. The nausea was gone and his catscan showed no stones. They sent him home well with no explanation as to what the problem may have been. Praise God.

From Lisa R - 

Hi, Amanda. Here are details of the two prayers that the Lord has answered for us recently. It's so sweet how Jesus answers even the smallest of prayers. Have a wonderful day!
We were told at the dentist that our 1st grader may need to have braces because her front tooth was coming in above the gumline and sticking straight out. That was something we strongly did not want her to go through because our son had to have braces in second grade. We prayed that the tooth would come in straight, and God answered our prayers. It's coming in just right.
A few weeks ago, I decided to have the Lord's supper with my kids at home. I thought of it because my kids had fever/sore throat/bad congestion and you had mentioned doing this at home with your family when they were sick. It ended up being a very special time with the kids walking me through the steps of the Lord's supper and telling me why we take the bread and the cup. My daughter spilled the cup at church last month, so it was fun to see her enjoying the process instead of being nervous that she would mess up. We prayed, thanking Jesus for his sacrifice for us on the cross. It wasn't until later that day that I noticed my kids' symptoms were gone. They were symptom free for the rest of the day. The sniffles came back the next day, but never bad enough to stay home from school. 

On Monday, Lacey's daughter had a red and swollen ankle that they were unsure of the source of.  She was in pain and hopping on her other leg all day at school.  I prayed for her at lunch and saw a decrease in pain, but we both had somewhere to be and had to cut it short.  After school, she said it just hurt to stand and walk on and hurt when I touched it. I prayed again a couple of times, and it completely returned to normal.  She unwrapped it and was walking normally, praise God!!

My friend Joann and I prayed for her son also.  He had an infected bite on his knee that was swollen and painful.  During prayer, it shrunk in size and no longer hurt for him to walk.  It isn't gone from sight yet, but will be soon!  Thank you, Jesus!!


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