Vertigo healed (5.15.10)

5:16 PM Posted by Unknown


I woke up with a touch of vertigo this morning.  It is something I have experienced a few times over the past year.  I have had a mild case of it twice in the past month or so due to fluid in my ears.  When I turned my head over on my pillow this morning I felt the wooziness and knew it was back.  Then I remembered that I could pray and make it go away.  So I sat up and put my hands over my ears and prayed that it would be totally gone in Jesus name.  I began to whip my head around with no wooziness at all!


"Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS...who forgives all our sins and HEALS ALL OUR DISEASES" Ps 103  

Being a child of the King through faith in the work of His Son, being a citizen of heaven, an ambassador of the kingdom of heaven...has its benefits.  God gives us 'benefits'...good gifts...'perks', because He loves us and wants to bless us, because that's just who He is, and because our toil and care is to be toward kingdom purposes, not toward trying to attain things he's already given us (like food, health, righteousness, shelter, peace...)  He's freed us up on all sides, so that we stand IN and walk FROM an equipped, established a minister to others wherever we are.  All His benefits are but a 'remembrance' away.  All are 'yes' in Christ.  See them in His Word, and you will see them in your life.  And if there is a moment in time between the two (faith and sight), operate according according to reality, whether it is visible yet or not.  God's word is truth.  It stands firm in the heavens.  



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