Watch this video promo!!!!!!
Please watch's short! This is a link to a promotional video for a conference. I'm sure that the meeting will be awesome, but I'm sending this so you can see the video. This captures what's it's like when God's telling you to do something, what's it's like when you don't, and what's it's like when you least for me, anyways... My favorite part is the thrill of the older woman when she gets back in the van after ministering to the lady who God showed her had just become a single mother. (Of course, these are reenactments.)
It's hard to step out when God gives you supernatural compassion and direction, supernatural vision and creativity, and supernatural knowledge of situations. It's hard, but only because we are more aware of ourselves than of how big He is and how much He loves the world and wants to use us to change things. We let doubt and fear of people's opinions keep us back from so many things, but God is just waiting to show Himself strong through us, to demonstrate His love.
(not sure why this isn't hot, just copy and paste the link, and when you get there, click the arrow on the black screen)
It is so difficult sometimes, most times, to step out in obedience when others are involved like this. I want to. I need more courage; do you have any ideas for me as to how I can build myself up so I go boldly as those people did in the second case scenarios? I know I'm not alone in this, the video shows it, but I want to be the one who goes up and asks, "May I pray for you?"
So sorry I just saw this! If you see this, email me at
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