Jesus heals just before surgery! (5.26.10)
This merits a jump and shout bigger than those old Toyota commercials!!! Oh my goodness, how awesome is our God!!!!! Lord, I stand amazed in awe of You.
from Kenny -
Kenny Jr. called me tonight and his mother, my ex-wife was scheduled for heart surgery today. Many problems but primarily a severe irregular heartbeat. She had an open vision of Jesus (while awake) where he told her He was going to heal her. They did extensive pre-surgery testing and called off the surgery because she was completely healed. She had a mitral valve prolapse which was gone, scar tissue on the heart from previous issues which was gone, dangerously high and low blood pressure which was gone and the extreme irregular heartbeat which is also gone. No sign of any of it. She has been sick for so long that it had become a lifestyle and she is adjusting to the concept of being well. They are weaning her off of a huge list of prescription drugs over a 3 week period to prevent withdrawals and that is the end of it all.
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