Healing in the Word, backs, knees, teeth, nausea, headaches (4.13.10)

9:59 AM Posted by Unknown

I Thessalonians 2:13 (amplified version) says "And we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe (exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it)"  This isn't a general faith in God, it is a holding firm to His specific Word toward us in such a way that that very word is our sole object of trust and dependence in the situation that we sought Him in. 

To be sure, it is the Word, Jesus, His finished work, the Father, the work of the Holy Spirit....it is GOD who heals, not a man.  The word can come to us personally, as in the testimony below, and we are healed. Or is can come through a person... which is why we are to be ministers of the gospel, of reconciliation, of the kingdom, of His Word.  WE are given the task of speaking His word, His truth, to others so that they can receive it and begin the process of I Thessalonians 2:13  We do the natural, and His Word does the supernatural.  We are CO-LABORERS with Christ!  What a fun and fulfilling privilege and responsibility!!

and now, for the testimony:)
Kenny (our Sunday School teacher, for those who don't know him) got this reply yesterday from his online healing ministry, Jesusheals.com.  Recall that "He sends forth His WORD and HEALS us"!

"I am getting a lot out of the simple, direct teaching Of the Word of
 God. I have been experiencing back pain for many years but recently
 I've been reading the Word of God more about His love for me and His
 nature as Healer, and honestly the back pain has completely gone away.
 The Word really is a sword! When I have fearful thoughts I experience
 back pain. Then I use the Word of God to remember the true mind [and
 protection] of Christ I've been given and the pain goes away! I am
 hoping your teachings will help increase my faith on a deeper level to
 speak out the truth to any physical pain I may experience [or others
 around me] in the future. I see a direct correlation between my
 thoughts and my physical flesh - when I am thinking depressed or
 anxious thoughts I begin to have back pain or headaches. I am hoping
 your teaching will help the Truth get in and eradicate those thoughts!
 Thank you. Lizzy"
More results/instances of praying for the sick in the last few days:
  • friend at church - anxiety and skin disorder (TBC)
  • friend at church - chronic neck and back pain, there was slight relief (TBC)
  • friend over the phone - doubled over in pain from a tooth infection and resulting headache, pain symptoms over 90% gone during prayer
  • student had a bump on his head this morning from an accident with a door at school.  The pain left immediately when Lacey and I prayed.
  • student had rash on arms...stinging left immediately during prayer, raised places went down, and surrounding redness began to go.  She needed to go back to class, so we just trusted that it was going to keep going away.
  • my student was leaving school early for a headache and nausea.  During prayer, she said the nausea left and the headache was almost gone.  Since her mom had already come to pick her up, I told her to go ahead and go and just keep rebuking the headache and anything else that came resurfaced.  
  • awaiting Johnny's testimony of a co-worker who'd asked for prayer for some turmoil in relation to his neighbor...got an amazing report on that yesterday...
  • Lacey, send in Lauryl's 'no more cavity' testimony!
  • This is not recent, but you haven't heard it:  When Hassyn was little, she sat up just as I was giving her her sippy cup in bed, and it hit her tooth very hard.  The tooth turned gray, but we prayed over it, and it slowly turned white again...they were all straight, even, and white.  Well, last year I noticed that that same tooth was sitting higher than the one beside it...it was very noticeable.  So we just began to pray over it...that it would be straight, even, and that the permanent one would be perfectly healthy and would push it down properly.  I've noticed in the past few weeks, that that tooth has done exactly what we prayed and is now almost perfectly even with the adjacent tooth again.  Thank you Jesus...YOU did that!!
  • I also haven't told you all about my back and my knees:  In the past couple of years I had been feeling torque on my knees, at first when I sat with my legs bent up under me, but then it got to be all the time, even if my legs were straight.  Every time I started to feel that, I just spoke Christ's healing over them and in His name commanded there to be cartilage there if any had been lost.  Now my knees are healed, and I don't feel any torque anymore.  WooHooo!  
  • My back...well now that I think about it there are several back stories...it was getting to be fairly common for disks to slip...a recurring problem that started after my first pregnancy.  Well, I used to go to the chiropractor and spend weeks and money to get my vertebrae in line again.  The three most recent times, though, I didn't need a chiropractor!  My disk slipped in Hassyn's room one night; I fell to the floor and told her to go get her Daddy.  He prayed over me, and I was able to get up and walk.  The pain was still there, but it had left within the next day of praying over it.  The next time I was leaning over the kitchen table helping the kids with homework.  The disk slipped, and I fell flat on my face on the table.  All three of my kids immediately laid hands on me and started praying.  (Kids' faith is generally stronger than adults' faith...they have less learned unbelief...it's why we are told to come as a child.  I get them to pray for/with me a lot for that very reason.)  I knew I was healed, and though I didn't feel like it, I willed myself to respond to the word they'd prayed over me.  I pushed myself up to a standing position and began to walk...I thought, if I fall, oh well, they can just call Johnny, but I knew I had to try, so I did.  (We literally WALK by faith, not by sight or any other of our carnal senses.)  Within three steps, the strength and stability had returned to my back, and within hours the pain left, too.  It was like the man in Acts 3 whose ankles were strengthened WHILE he was being helped up, not before.  The third time, the disk did not fully slip...I sensed it just before it happened.  I braced myself by holding on to something, and said 'Oh no you don't!  In the name of Jesus, back, you stay straight and strong!'  It did, and whenever I feel even a tinge of weakness come, I try to catch it just like that.
  • Okay, so the back testimony I originally meant to tell is more recent.  I was at the healing school in California, and our new friend Craig, a Bethel student from New Zealand, prayed for my back.  I always have lower back pain from being in the same position too long...especially driving or sleeping wrong.  Probably what we would consider 'normal' dull pain.  I didn't even notice until a few weeks ago that  that pain has  not returned.  It doesn't matter how I sleep or how long I sit, I am healed!  I guess I need to share that with him...just another case where the person doing the praying isn't aware of the fruit of that prayer!
  • I can't even begin to recount to you the many many everyday sicknesses that we have victory over in our family now.  And we praise God for EVERY one of them, no matter how small!  Psalm 103 says 'Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not ALL HIS BENEFITS, WHO FORGIVES ALL OUR SIN AND HEALS ALL OUR DISEASES.'  Amen!!  
Many of you have told me awesome testimonies this week, and I can't remember them!! Please email them!


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