Tendonitis, Stroke, back/joints, healing families/neighbors (3.15.10)

10:58 AM Posted by Unknown

So many of you are telling me these awesome testimonies...put them in writing and send them to me!!
Here are some I have received (in their own words) and a few of my own.  All are within the last week.

All because of Jesus!:

from Johnny...  Just prayed for a guy who had bursitis tendonitis and he said he had to fish in a tournament with customers on Wed and he could barely move his arm.  I knew God wanted me to pray for him.  We talked for a minute then I asked him if I could pray for his shoulder.  He said yes and I prayed for his shoulder.  I asked him how it felt he said he had more range of motion and the pain was from a 10 to a 5.  He asked me if I was a “Tratior in French, Treater in English”.  He said his Catholic French speaking Grandfather was one.  I explained how Jesus prayed twice for the blind man and asked if I could play again.  So I did and as we were talking afterward he said the pain was still going down and almost completely gone.  I told him it probably would continue to heal for a period of time. The Lord loves him greatly.  Also I felt nothing this time in my hands, I mean zero.

from Johnny...  (in full) I was standing outside Kroger when I saw a young man walk up to the red box movie renter.  I walked up behind him a little anxious and tried to strike up a conversation.  He was polite but turned back to rent a movie.  I asked if there was anything he needed prayer for ... Aches pains healing for something.  He turned and stared at me and asked what church I went to.  I answered and also that several of us were out trying to get back to basics and minister the way the early church and Jesus did.  I noticed he had a fresh tatoo on front of his neck but he did not look like the type to have a tatoo over his adams apple because of his baby face.  He said not really and then he said "well I have cerebral palsy but I was born with it and it is no big deal".  I said let's pray for that I will not keep you long.  So we prayed and I asked him if there was a way for him to know if he was healed right now.  He said no.  I said is there anything else we can pray for, he said no and I said God loves you and I walked away and let him finish renting his movie.  Here is what I learned.  Vince was very taken back that someone would stop to pray for him.  I was concentrating on results (him getting healed) and I missed the more important opportunity.  He felt loved for a minute.  I believe if I had just paused to register all the Holy Spirit was telling me I would have realized he needed a friend.  I could have had a long meaningful discussion with him but since I promised him I would not detain him long and being focused on healing, I was wanting to fulfill my promise and not detain him any longer.  So I noticed he stayed in his truck a while before he left.  I do not know whether he was healed or not but I know now healing is a result of love.

from Jodie...  Will had gas pains the other night when I was rocking him to sleep.  I just start praying with Will over & over in Jesus name that He would lay His heeling hands upon Will & make the pains go away.  In less than two minutes,  he was sound asleep.  All pains gone!  AMEN!!!

from Nikki...  Just wanted to give you a quick update after our e-mail conversation Tuesday . . . At work on Wed. I was proctoring tests most of the day (BO-RING!) so I started jotting down words/phrases that I was praying in my mind while I sat there watching students take tests. Felt like the Lord was telling me He gave me the idle time that day to reflect on the encouragement you gave me & to pray. One of the things I wrote down was “natural opportunities to share Christ”. That same afternoon, was talking to my neighbor (not the ones you prayed for, but the other Catholics that live across the street), and the conversation almost immediately led to church and “what does it mean to be non-denominational.”  I talk to this neighbor on a daily basis because our children are best friends, and it’s amazing to me that in 2 ½ years we’ve never had a conversation come even close to being spiritual, until Wednesday. I was so startled that, in some ways, I feel like I blew it. I didn’t share the gospel with her. My tongue was pretty tied, and she did most of the talking. But I feel like the door has been opened for me to share more of my heart with her at another time . . . TBC!

from Jaime...  I’ve started to pray for Lacey’s son, Liam….even though she’s not pregnant yet…. I know it’s not much, but it’s a start for me. I am also praying for my dad’s back – he has 6 fused vertebrae in his lower spine and is in pain a lot and can’t move like he used to. God’s been using Jason and I in my parent’s lives as we learn and grow more in the gifts of the Spirit and teaching them that “it’s okay” to trust in the Lord in things we cannot explain. Ya know?

from Destiny...March 6, 2010

Today, I went to the park with my daughters and noticed a woman walking down the street with her walker. Another lady was next to her helping her walk. All of sudden, God told me to go pray for her. I gathered my girls, and hesitated for a moment, and when I went over to her, she was already gone. I KNEW that I missed it. And I felt TERRIBLE! A brother in Christ of mine, Johnny, told me of scripture He has been using to help him get over the fear and pride of praying for people. I started meditating on that: ...God's strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). I repented and told God, "I know You want me to do this in life. You are going to have to set it up for me. I need one to be easy so I can do this...so I can get my feet wet." Little did I know it would be so soon... God listens.

About an hour later a young man approached me as I was out in the front lawn playing with my girls. He was selling magazine subscriptions. We talked for a bit and then the door opened to ask if he needed prayer for anything. He asked for prosperity in his business. I started to pray over him. He then told me he has been suffering pain in his back, knees, and knuckles with swelling in his knuckles. I told him, God wants to heal him of that and prayed for the pain and swelling to leave in Jesus name. The pain from his knees left and his back loosened up. I prayed for his back again. The pain went down more. I then had him check his knuckles and back again. The swelling went down! I then asked him if he needed to forgive anyone. That forgiving others can open up healing. He could not think of anything. I then prayed for strength in his body, for complete restoration. I told him this is a Divine Appointment from God. That God set this up for him and myself. And that God loves him SO MUCH. He was SO thankful! We exchanged numbers so I can check up on him and we thanked the Lord some more! He then came back and told me the prosperity was already working and thanked God again!

Thank You Jesus! You made it easy for me and the Holy Spirit took over. You are an AWESOME God! I pray this testimony blesses you and sparks interest for you to step out and partake in God's Divine Appointments He has planned for you.
(Destiny Burwell keeps up her own testimonies online...you can find more from her on facebook.)

from Amanda C:

  • Prayed for Marley at school, sinus infection, achiness, general yuckiness...no immediate change, but she came back in within about 30 minutes and said she was beginning to feel better.  
  • prayed for Janet at church...(you remember from the first giant list of testimonies?  she was in a rehab hospital, suffering effects from previous stroke but recently fell and broke a wrist, a leg, and hurt a knee, had increased range of movement in her stroke-affected arm immediately during prayer, I came back next day and anointed her bed while she slept)  Well yesterday she WALKED up to receive prayer.  Her daughter Vickie said she'd been home for a week!  While we prayed, she could do more with her wrist and fingers but didn't want to take the brace off to check.  She had no more pain in her stroke-effected arm when she lifted it, AND she began to speak better while we were standing there!  Janet answered one of my questions, and Vickie said, 'Wow, that was clear!' WooHoo!!!!
Yeah!! I love new days now, because it's a whole other day to reveal the Father's heart to people!

Keep those testimonies comin'!!


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